Adoration Abounds—Love is in the Air Has Begun

Adoration Abounds—Love is in the Air Has Begun

Sounds and fragrances of love swirl in the air with a hint of nefarious undertones as a strange love sickness clouds the hearts of the denizens of Azeroth. Uncover the dark secret fueling this plague of passion.

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Let the RNG begin!


This is the saddest time of the year for us single people. :dracthyr_cry_animated:



"I have 428 kills this year and no Love Rocket!! I have 5 days left on my sub and I’m done!! (never you mind my other 10 identical posts from the last 10 years). "


Captain’s Log Stardate 34790. We have entered the realm of Shadowfang Keep for the 16th year. The elusive Rocket codenamed “Heartbreaker” continues to evade our grasp. We have contacted the Gods of Random Number Generation in the hopes that they might provide some assistance yet again. The crew remains demoralized from previous attempts.


They finally answered by adding a second low droprate mount.



Nice new set up for this event now…thought I was finished not having to run this event since I got the Love Rocket 3 yrs back…but then you dang well added a new mount and a new battle pet I need…grrrrrrrrr LOL

Can the new mount only drop on first run or does it just have a higher chance? The way the article is worded makes it sound like it can only drop on the first run per account.

Seize your chance to get this lovely mount from the first fight daily with Apothecary Hummel.

Also, it says there’s a new heroic version but I only see the normal version in dungeon finder. Is there supposed to be another version or some way to activate a harder version inside? Didn’t notice anything when I did it once. Or is this a manual walk in type thing?


I’m ready for another year of disappointment



I do Crown Chemical once a day and if I don’t get the mount, then I don’t get the mount.

I don’t drive myself nuts trying every alt every single day like some people do.

And then they wonder why they burn out.


The article says:

“Love Witch’s Sweeper Mount
Seize your chance to get this lovely mount from the first fight daily with Apothecary Hummel.”

Can you clarify if that means that after the first daily attempt there is no chance to get this new mount with alts (or if there is a very low chance still, like past years for other mounts)? And the same rule apply to X-45 Heartbreaker?

Really don’t wanna waste time with 60 alts if there is no chance at all.


Don’t need the Love Rocket! Lunar Rocket is 100 times better! :pleading_face:


First of the day

So, lemme get this right. Instead of, i dunno, MAKING SURE QUEING FOR LOVE ROCKET DOESNT COUNT AS A INSTANCE, you decided to outright deny players the queue if they hit 10 instances cap, because the dungeon still counts as a instance for no logical reason than just because.

Okay then.


I’m either going to be farming it for decades or it’s going to drop before I get the Love Rocket.

Either way I might cry :sob:


edit: nvm on the token part I guess those are just random in a range

Maybe they should have the higher drop chance and just let you farm it with alts since some of us have done it literally thousands of times over 20 years and just want to have the stupid thing in our collection.

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I hope it’s a higher drop rate. Got this new mount on my first kill of the event.

Can I have a follower to do the quests?

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The Love Rocket has only been in game for 18 yrs this year…added in 2007.

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Only 18 years. Important clarification.