Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

I just dont get why they didnt do it in classic vanilla.

Golds already massively inflated.

Feels like a ploy to sell more WOTLK 70 boosts and to inevitably put WoW Token in to me.

The people with Gold Cap just got a massive win. No chance to ever catch up now. Can’t even run friends through dungeons now. 1 run for quests and no more.

Kinda seems like a good idea just implemented way too late. I don’t think anyone on the Classic team actively plays this game.


More people would be surprised if some one from blizz actually admitted they played the game.

An on-level dungeon?

In the process you nerfed peoples gold farms. I’m not talking boosting. I mean people who were just farming gold legitimately.

So what’s the go with boosting yourself through dungeons? I have a prot paladin I levelled for the sole reason to boost alts on my main account through low level content, is this now not allowed?


While I’m not against the changes, a lot of it is “You might have killed the mouse, but you did it with a tactical nuke” which is somewhat justifiable complaints.


Classic andys really do want to kill classic and then hide behind some pure version of the game that never existed, its hilarious.

u gib boople bak boople dungies rn er dewe wil b nu lk 4su oWo

#nochanges er bai csu sumwere ewsies were deh dus gut insteds wuins boople fabwit gaem

Cringe. Go play cost ark.

You guys are the worst baby boomer mindset, greedy corporate douchbags I’ve ever seen. The irony that you think you’re sitting on some kind of moral high ground. F’ing priceless. Some guy with a good job, a social life, and a lot going on doesn’t mind spending a little money on a locally source farm so he doesn’t have to waste hours he doesn’t have on content that was arbitrarily drug out 15 years ago because you didn’t have enough content at the time to compete with the “other guys”, and just wants to catch up with his friends that DO have 20 hours a week to spend on a video game. Oh and his kids home for the summer from school that can finally play with their dad and are all excited about getting caught up and seeing all the fun stuff he’s been raving about? Yeah, sure… if they spend even more of dad’s money. Good thing he wasted his own time building a character specifically to help them level extra fast to run the “cool” stuff. You can sit there and moan all you want about farming and boosting. It happens for a reason, huge swathes of the content suck. Large chunks of time stealing penance to “earn” challenging content. That is why people boost and farm. Some people are so trapped in their nostalgia of days gone by they relish the chance to punish themselves all over again, the rest of us just really like some of the end content. For every 1 of your self abusing purists there are probably a dozen(likely dozens) of otherwise well adjusted humans that aren’t into “grinding” to show how much they hate themselves with pride. The arrogance to moan about this bothering “you” when you’re the person getting paid to sell the same crap all to what? To what? Is there a limited supply of room in the dungeons and the self haters can’t get in? No. They can dungeon with whoever they like, whenever they like. Oh, I see… the boosters will get all the good gear and there won’t be any left for the people that like spending 10 hours a day killing rats like it’s 1999 EQ and isn’t a 3rd online world just the coolest!!! Oh, that’s right… no they can get the gear too if they don’t suck. Oh… that’s why… people that suck will have the same pretty clothes! … there is no moral highground here. You’re simply whining that people would rather PAY another person to help them NOT play parts of your game and it’s not YOU they are paying. Just tacky. You’re all just tacky little greedy people. No I don’t bot or boost or have any stake in this other than, you’re being Blizzard… crappy to whoever you can and making excuses for it. You’d think you’d have learned by now. Whatever, if I can’t boost my sons then I’ll probably get bored and that’s 4 accounts that were off for years at a time that can be off for years at a time again. Epically nearsighted self righteous garbage. There’s my two cents you can have for Free. Oh and no DF because the people that don’t want anything to change and want to keep their friends… what? So dumb. Ah, just so dumb.


I’m not sure why blizzard changes the mechanics in dungeons, nerfing the xp gain is good enough to nerf boosting. Nerfing aoe farm in dungeons while the open world farming is camped by bots, then how are players gonna get gold? By buying them?

Plus how about normal dungeon runs? Shattered halls without bilzzard slow is basically impossible to do as a fresh tank. How about the CRAZY adds in 2nd boss room in H BF?
How about raids? Using blizzard to slow Felmyst adds is a good strategy, now it’s gone I guess. How about MH trash? How are we going to recover when the pally tank dies? Well, I guess we’ll just wipe it.

With warriors and druids having literary no aoe threat, new warrior/druid tank players will become not viable for a lot of dungeons in the flowing month before prepatch. Making the lacking of tank problem even worse.

Besides that, believe it or not, players will find ways to work around the mechanics, it will just take time.

you may say aoe farm brings too much raw gold into the game. then how about daily quests? i would say dailies contributes more. because there are more people doing dailies than people doing aoe farming.

why do this blizzard? just why double dip?


Great work blizzard. Now go back on your word again and give us RDF so we can actually be happy with something you did. Ty for destroying classic like you destroyed retail. Now I can have more time on my hands to play Ashes of Creation when it releases instead of World of Warcraft 2. Ooops sorry for giving you the solution to fixing retail. Not that you ever listen.


Imagine trying to throw shade at a game for pay-2-win when you play WOW. :clown_face:

People who are angry with this are asking for unlimited lvl 70 boost per account.

Why you even play the game to begin with? real question, one thing it’s take a shortcut and another one it’s feel like the game it’s unplayable without that shortcut.


I feel like one of the biggest criticisms you’ve had to have received is also GDKP, are you going to do anything about that? you removed people being able to have alts, which is… a start I guess? but what about people just repeatedly having bis gear on 20 chars through gdkps?

I don’t sell boosts. I boost my own toons. I have 8 accounts. Thanks for ruining this for me.
(edited post)
I have unsub all of them as of now.


I can’t speak for the majority, but for me? I’ve done it before. Many times. From scratch. I’ve done my time, I just want to play the stuff that actually matters to me, which is the stuff that comes after reaching the level cap.

I have been wanting XP nerfs for boosting for well over 2 years now. I am glad that it’s now here, better late than never. I did NOT want to see mechanical changes to these old dungeons though. I am someone who enjoyed SOLO farming dungeons. It was very fun for me to master pulls and kill a bunch of mobs at once. All you needed to do was nerf the XP gains for boosting, not destroy the mob mechanics as well…


Seems like the real people mad here is those who were boosting their own characters and those lazily spamming old dungeons to make massive amounts of gold.

They should revert the mechanics…and then limit the number of dungeons an hour to 2. Seems reasonable right?

I’d probably post a long speil about how much I hate how the current incompetent dev team needs to stop attempting to "Fix’ wrath, but at this point it’s pretty clear they don’t care.

They will break wrath, turn it into something unrecognizable, then when it flops they will make excuses, backpedal, apologize and say they will do better, and lie to our faces and they learn nothing as they have the last six years.

Literally just needed to leave wrath alone, that’s all you needed to do, but instead you could not stop yourself from meddling with something that was already good, you had to “Fix” something that wasn’t broken.

Every change, ever deviation, every stupid “reforge” of wrath slowly kills the enthusiasm I had for it.