Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

Waiting for the update. do to the feed back we are no longer nerfing tank brann ignore our post from before


Yeah seriously, I have to be reviving him most of the time from those mechanics because he instantly dies to anything dumb.

Completely useless.


they’re not reading this thread. they’ll do as they always have. walk back a few changes and go “haha fixed!” but it’ll still be miserable to do and force us to spend more time in m+ or raids as their metrics dictate.


Can you just remove Brann altogether? I’d rather do delves alone than have an NPC leaping into 17 other packs and then dying because you insist on making him stupid and useless.


Delves were already hard with tank Brann dying to literally any area attacks. So basically the solo content just hard requires a full tank-healer group. These are bad changes that contrast poorly with the positive changes we saw to M+ this week.


Back to healer Brann for me then. :rage: :rage: :rage:


They could instantly fix Brann’s AI issues for me by saying that he’s talking to himself when he screams “DON’T STAND THEEERE”


They more worried about Tank Brann, but not the constant ddos attacks and exploiters killing Mythic Gally lol


I could only see this working if they reduce mob health by A LOT. Tanking Brann when I tried it already felt like a slog. Really curious to see how this plays out for them, it looks way too heavy handed.

I’ll also add that Tanking Brann likely attracts more casual players, and this like a pretty heavy blow. If they are expecting to tune this role around healers being able to out put massive dps while healing, they are in for some really bad feedback. In the past the casual crows has voiced very loudly against that play style of healer.


your a warlock though…

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Remove the “feedback” parts from this. Absolutely no one gave you feedback that Tank Brann needed tuning.

We have given you ample feedback for tuning elsewhere that you clearly do not care about and are not focused on. This should genuinely feel embarrassing.


While this is an issue…ish…healers have abilities to deal with this.

Anything beyond entry level end game content

4/8 Champion+

The design wasnt meant to sit back out of range and press your single target heal every 5 seconds to plow through the delve. At least not at appropriate levels (can still drop down to a tier 4 and feel the same way).

Actually having to use your kit and abilities is whats meant to happen.

Although nothing is gonna change with my MW. Having like 75% overhealing

And I liked using my shivarra instead of voidlord, lol.

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I was using Tank Brann as a dps. He was a little squishy, but it was definitely good to have. Just needed him to heal up after almost every elite pull. Now he will get rolled it appears… thanks, but no thanks, Blizzard.


thats replaced in 2 weeks in M+ or raid


Not when his health is reduced by 20% and he’s taking 60% more damage, they don’t.


when blizzard says feedback they mean feedback from the real customers. shareholders and upper c suite execs. they dont care about us at all.


Which is replaced by the next level of m+/raid. Doesnt change that its still considered competitive.

btw why are you guys killing tank brann when half of my mistweaver healing still doesn’t apply to him correctly?


I tried healing tank Brann (though I was a bit out of practice) - and it was not a walk in the park. I was constantly healing him and myself - so I am not sure what the problem was? I was def not sitting back leaning on the wall acting bored lol.