Right, I don’t see how healing in delves will even remain an option. The two I took Brann through he did mediocre damage and was fairly squishy. Not impossible or overly slow by any means, but actually already comparable to DPS times. So wtf lmao
As with most new things we get that are enjoyable, we must be punished for getting it.
Yeah, I’m in the same boat.
I played as dps and had Brann tank and he was constantly dying to things in a +8 even.
First boss of one of the delves he ran into things on the ground and almost died instantly after the boss hit him. Other times he was struggling on a single pack of the elites.
why are you making the game worse

Brann’s new Tank specialization has simply proven to be too powerful when players hang back and just focus on healing him.
But… this is what healers are supposed to do?
I don’t even play a healer and I’m mad for them.
Because they can’t have us be having fun in a game.

Oh good so now he’ll just die to every dumb mechanic he insists on standing in, cool.
Yep. Now he’s 100% guaranteed to die to the rail carts on the last boss of Earthcrawl Mines. He’ll die in record time to every other purple puddle he refuses to get out of too, because I guarantee they are nerfing the hell out of Brann while doing absolutely nothing to correct his brain-damaged muppet level of AI.

Because they can’t have us be having fun in a game.
Follower dungeons exist if you just want to follow AIs and have them do the work and collect your loot at the end
all fine because i only use healer brann
no wonder the people were saying they were one shotting tier 11s in 619 gear
This literally just made healer delves more boring and slow. Not harder.
Fun Detected/Nerfed.
This is so obscene, man.
Why, exactly, does it matter that healers are able to have a bit of an easier time in solo, non-competitive content?
You know something is wrong when DPS players just, stand there doin DPS. Can you imagine a tank just standing around holding aggro? SMH

All my homies were like “NAH BLIZZ WON’T NERF NEW TANK BRANN” and I ASSURED them it would happen.
Same here, I told my guildie that this was gone the minute he told me that healing was viable in delves.
It’s not like I would not still be able to keep him up, so the issue that’s been created is that assuming I still played as a healer - I would have to sit there for 2 hours spamming him while he whittled away the mobs hp hitting for like 10 damage each swing.
I just don’t see how this would be fun or why anyone would still try and play a healer in delves under those conditions.
Way to assume that I do fa in delves.

Why, exactly, does it matter that healers are able to have a bit of an easier time in solo, non-competitive content
Because it offers competitive content level rewards
How about you also fix his AI so he isn’t standing in abilities that can oneshot him?
He has all the self-preservation of an apocryphal lemming.
competitive means mythic gear
delves only give up to hero gear once a week and vault hero piece if u even get one u want or can use
so like you guys are upset that Tank Brann was tanking for healers? Is that what I’m reading? So now you’re tanking his damage even harder and making him take 60% increased damage so no one will use him?
like is this is 100% some weird engagement metrics based change right? we weren’t spending 5 extra minutes logged into your game for your quarterly reports so it had to be shot? Or are the devs seriously unaware of what “tanking” means and why a “healer” would sit back to heal a “tank”
Blizzard should be buffing tank brann as he takes so much dmg already lol

But… this is what healers are supposed to do?
I don’t even play a healer and I’m mad for them
like did they even read the words theyre typing LOL