Adjusting Tank Brann - March 11

As what class?

Because delve content isn’t difficult.

You can’t seem to comprehend that it’s not supposed to be free mode this early in the patch.

Nah fam, tank brann was unable to hold aggro on my 640 mw monk… I dunno about you, but when you go into group content you kinda need the tank to, ya know, HOLD AGGRO!!!

and i went pack by pack, didn’t double pack pull because ya know, brann isnt able to keep aggro…

Skill issue.

Download blood omen

Yeah hes done just fine as far as aggro goes for me. I sustain about 350k dps but thats also because im considerably lower ilvl though.

Yeah, brann skill issue, as a healer i SHOULDNT have the aggro. Thanks for agreeing that brann shouldnt have been nerfed <3

Used Brann on Underpin as a tank and he sucked and always gets “killed” So we should nerf him.

Yes, only people who play at high levels could possibly understand the things that happen in a Delve…

Over powered Brann is likely a thing…that doesn’t make this move smart. It just means he needs adjusting. I am not arguing he does not, I am arguing the way they are doing it is poorly thought out and historically has almost never worked out. Huge changes in balance can’t be fixed this way…or they would never have been there in the first place.

You can’t say their data says huge swing in power and they know where to land when their first swing was so far off. Those two things do not logically go together. In addition their fix doesn’t seem logical either. They basically state they want healers to do damage then massively decrease the survivability and dps instead of just the dps. That makes no sense.

Also, that holier than though I am high level flex is really sad when we are talking about delves. It’s not rocket science, it’s just how much time you put into it. It’s really sad to try that here. Just state your opinion and back it up with logic don’t try to act like you know better because you spend more time playing content…that isn’t a delve. That is just a cop out because you don’t have a good argument.


I press thunder focus tea → crackle jade lightning and suddenly i become are is the tank xD

Reading isn’t your strong suit.

Bran did need nerfed.

Learn what blood omen is

Nope, even through that i dont take aggro. I also dont open with my strongest DPS either (this steals aggro from real tanks in group content too)

You dont, im saying i do, ran a few 8’s and was like well might as well put bran back to DPS since im the tank as a healer xD

Also crackle jade lighting is a heal when empowered, the more you know

I mean this thread alone is proof that people clearly don’t know what they are talking about.
You included.

You can’t seem to understand bran is balanced around later levels and max curios. Being able to ignore things this early at low ilvl is the issue and why it was nerfed. If you had any understanding of the game you would know this.

You still can’t understand it’s week 2 of the patch……

I don’t have a holier than thou attitude. I’m just being blunt and telling you you don’t know what you’re talking about.


It’s so funny he clearly can’t comprehend how threat works :joy:

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Its not. It doesnt register with Tank Brann

The more you know

Doesn’t matter what class.

And yes, actually, yes it is. Delves were designed for the casual solo player, with higher tiers meant preparing them for Mythic Keys.

When Tank Brann stands in easily avoidable mechanics and take 30% of his HP in damage multiple times, it becomes a problem, when competent Player Tanks know to avoid such hazards.

You can’t seem to comprehend this irrefutable fact: delves are for solo players meant for gearing them toward Mythics, and nerfing Tank Brann this bad was the wrong move on Blizzard’s part, not to mention the gaslighting and contradictory statements they’re giving about ‘being fun for solo healers’.

Fun Fact: it is not fun watching Tank Brann stand in avoidable mechanics, when a Player Tank will naturally move out of said hazards.


I do think that the nerfs put Tank Brann on par with DPS Brann, so that Tank Brann is not the obvious choice if you’re a healer. Especially if you’re comfortable face-tanking mobs, DPS Brann is still a great option ESPECIALLY since the Pingable Augment Curio gives him so much extra damage.

In S1, on a typical run (as healer with DPS Brann), he’d do about 1/3 of the total damage. Now, with that curio, he does about half.

And T11 mobs hit much less hard now than they did in S1 (relative to our gear… not sure if it’s less hard absolutely), so being a healer with DPS Brann seems totally viable, and perhaps even better than with Tank Brann, depending on your class and playstyle preferences.


It is its own stand alone progression for folks who dont want to participate in group content.

If people want to carry on into m+ afterwards theyre more than welcome to.

It wasnt designed as a speedway into m+

Actually it does.

Nope. Incorrect. Delves were designed to be challenging solo content which is why it has its own vault track

Players stand in bad all the time. It’s literally a meme.

Because that’s not a fact and never what they were designed for

Fun fact. Coping while being wrong is cringe.

Thanks for posting this. Appreciate it. Im going to give it a try.

Yeah you do. Telling people they don’t understand because you play at a higher level then them is flat out holier than thou.

Kind of pointless to talk to someone with that attitude because you think by reason of playing this game so much that you have all the answer. That’s not how the world works. Cool you are good at high level gaming…that doesn’t mean you understand anything about balancing the game actually. Just that you understand mechanics enough and play a lot.

Also, pretty sure I already blocked you on snozex in the past so I will just block you here as well. We need account wide blocks so bad to stop trolls like this. You just come on and spout rude nonsense. Totally not worth anyone’s time because of this system we can’t ever seem to get rid of you.