I would like to be able to adjust the font size for the WoW interface elements (Text size in the menu etc). We used to be able to do that with addons like ClearFont2 or Phanx, but those are no longer supported. I’m surprised there isn’t an option in WoW for us to change the font size separately from the UI Scale. Older players like me don’t have especially sharp eyesight anymore, so an option to change font size would be very helpful. Anyone know of any supported addons for this?
PhanxFont should be easy enough to update to 9.0
line 112
local ScrollBG = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
local ScrollBG = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
line 250
local list = CreateFrame("Button", "PhanxConfigDropdown" .. id, dropdown)
local list = CreateFrame("Button", "PhanxConfigDropdown" .. id, dropdown, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
line 170
local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, frame)
local slider = CreateFrame("Slider", nil, frame, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
That’s pretty slick, thanks!
Omg wow, i wonder if you could get Xfont to work too
If anyone’s looking for 10.0 fixes for it:
Basically replace the Addon:SetFont
function in Addon.lua
with the following:
function Addon:SetFont(obj, font, size, style, r, g, b, sr, sg, sb, sox, soy)
if not obj then return end
if not size then
size = select(2, obj:GetFont())
if not style then
style = ""
obj:SetFont(font, floor(size * PhanxFontDB.scale + 0.5), style)
if sr and sg and sb then
obj:SetShadowColor(sr, sg, sb)
if sox and soy then
obj:SetShadowOffset(sox, soy)
if r and g and b then
obj:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
elseif r then
if r > 1 then
r = r / 100
All credit to DrTitan
There’s additional fixes in the reddit thread that you should implement but the above will make it at least function.
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!
Sounds like that Dr Titan guy may do more work on it too! Elvenbane rocks too !!!
Got the resizing to work, was still able to use the font I had going as well, (not sure ‘how’)… but still getting a few errors, upon login, however the resizing does work, so that’s all that matters thanks
An updated fork (not mine)
Don’t know if it was said anywhere but “Scale UI Font” is on curseforge and is up to date and simple to use. I am grateful to the authors for this., since I was having such a horrible time reading quests and dialogue I almost didn’t want to play.
Wanted to note that this is for the size not the font itself. I am going to check this addon out as well, since options are fun.
This is a great and easy to use add on!