The Semi/core raiding guild is looking to fill a few positions in our current raiding rosters. We also accept social / leveling people who just want a good community of people to play classic with.
About Us
Is focused on progression raiding while maintaining the friendly social dynamic offered by more casual guilds. Our raid structure is geared towards progression while the guild itself has a great social aspect for people just looking for a place to experience all aspect of classic with friendly people.
Loot System
Our Current loot system for our core sat/sun 40man raid team is a DKP based loot system with some items prioritized to certain spec/classes.
The loot system used by our 2nd raid team and our ZG raid teams is currently MS>OS.
Raid Schedule
Core team - Sat 7pm BWL into MC
2nd team - Fri 7pm MC into BWL(still recruiting 20ish/40)
Ony and ZG runs are done on reset/as often as we get the numbers to go.
Our Core raid team (7pm Sat/Sun) is led by ‘Wickedonez’ and ‘Grimgore’ and is recruiting:
-Only recruiting for standby positions and as always will consider any exceptional players.
Our 2nd raid team (7pm Fri) is led by ‘Diomedez’,‘Listlesschai’ and ‘Saelody’ and is recruiting:
-Fury warrior - Open
-Hunter - Open
-Rogue - Open
-Druid - Feral/Resto - Open
-Mage - Limited
-Priest Shadow/Holy - Limited
-Warlock - Limited
-Paladin - Closed
-Tanks (all class) - Closed
Contacts in game: Saelody, Listlesschai, Thehostlord, Crizunter.