Addressing Population Concerns in WoW Classic

Blizz all you need is faction specific server locking so you can manage server size and balance at the same time.

Thank you for copy/pasting the same thing repeatedly

May i make a suggestion?
Get like 500 friends, roll alliance, and take over a realm like Stalagg.
Think of the challenge.
Think of the Legend if you pull it off?

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Fresh please :smiley:

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Sharding in know way makes me want to play . Mining and herbs are on all shards only then on diff. is world Dragons . Theres a blue post on that . I rolled on Classic so the was NO sharding XRELM Or any of the new CRAP . Guess what did not HAPPEN .

In other words, I wasted money just to play on an empty 2k pop server

Can I at least get a chance to undelete my Faerlina character? It takes quite an effort to level from scratch on classic… >:(

If it’s level ten or higher it’s an automated process.

It doesn’t make sense to implement server locks and layering while refusing to offer free character transfers off of the realm to lighten the load. I have multiple 60’s on Sulfuras and would like to play with a friend. This friend is unable to create a character on Sulfuras. The only options are to pay for a server transfer or start yet again at level 1. Neither of these options are reasonable.


All this and still nothing about faction imbalances, what a joke.


Where did they state that? That’s the thing, i don’t find it anywhere except when someone asks about it. What about those who delete by mistake? Can’t they recover their characters? It isn’t “NEW create” but recovering old one. Also, can’t they recover it on a different server?

Yes you can restore deleted characters

I believe they can?

Nope it says “There was a problem restoring your deleted character. Please try again later”.
It drives me nuts…!!!

Kaivax, You mentioned that players would ‘not move to new ‘fresh’ realms’ the data you have shows this. (What data did you use?) To clarify if you made a NEW realm and clarified that this realm would NOT be going to TBC nor are you allowed to Transfer high level players there (different phases and gear releases would prohibit this) OF COURSE players would flock there in droves!! All you have to do is look at past Private Server experiences to see. Every time one of the Vanilla servers launched a ‘Fresh’ you’d see people dip out and jump into the frenzy of a new server launch! This is proven time and time again. So I don’t see how you can say that people who are not happy with current state of affairs on their server would not want a ‘reset’ button on a brand new server. In fact this is EXACTLY what you should do. We don’t ‘need more realms’ what we need is CLEAR DEFINED schedule of released content and ‘slow roll out’ We love the game that you’ve remastered for us. now let us customize it. ‘set max’ server population at 12,000 (assuming die off of player base over time to bring it down to 3,000 the ‘ideal’ number you designed the servers to be able to handle)
No to Layering. No to forcing TBC. People played Vanilla (not TBC) because they wanted vanilla. THIS should have been set in stone BEFORE you even launched Classic so we KNOW that investing /played 120 days would not be ‘deleted’ by a TBC launch after Naxx content is cleared

lots here but ‘server population’ and ‘how to move players’ even ‘server balance’ 50/50 ratio All come into play when you are talking about demographics of your player base.

BINGO! this is my point exactly!! A FRESH server will pull many players off the overpopulated servers and give people a chance to create their own economy. 1st place guilds will probably not leave and start over because of their investment in THAT server. but people who joined late or were not able to rank consistently or generally have guild issues or messed up their profession choice etc will JUMP at a chance to start Fresh. THAT is part of the reason players are not “just moving to another server” BECAUSE it is already established… who wants to level a warrior on a pvp server with bored horde/alliance gankers sitting in wetlands/tanaris because they have nothing better to do?


This is part of the reason that we need some FRESH servers to be launched. What better time than now? The leak of TBC launch and ‘what to do with the servers’ is going to be a factor. Let players KNOW if that server is “just Vanilla” or if it will ‘go through the portal’ in any event I feel this guy’s pain :confused: I saw 3 black lotus in my time playing and I picked it ONE time sigh servers were not designed for this kind of numbers of players.

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Except, they can’t. Since you don’t have any other character in the server, it will not allow you to recover the one you had. It’s a stupid measure since you aren’t creating a new one but recovering an old one. But hey, it’s blizz.

You think you do… but you don’t

I guess should not have deleted the toon while the realm was locked
i mean it does literally show them locked when i log in so…

At least you will be able to recover it later.

I started a thread with suggestions as to what we can including the idea of FRESH servers with pop caps and no transfers. Please check it out and give us your two cents here: