Address Honor Gains

I really don’t want us to get distracted by this new crap away from one of the main issues plaguing PvP right now. The honor gains in this post-nerf state are horrendous. Even at Alliance queue times grinding honor is one of the most soul crushing experiences we could possibly have. Winning a 15 minute game and getting ~300 honor is dismal. Losing a game and getting ~100 is monstrous.

I am demotivated to grind BGs and so are many of the people in my guild. I’m sure this is a common sentiment across all players from all factions.

If Blizzard wants us to engage in PvP it needs to take immediate action to increase honor gains substantially, at the minimum doubled, but you could almost argue tripled to be honest.


Can’t really argue this regardless of which faction you’re on.

You’ve got my vote!


Might as well give us raid finder and bg queue window this is not classic anymore it’s retro retail

No. No one wants crappy raid finder or whatever queue window crap that is. The request is simple. Make honor gains rewarding again. They nerfed it in a snap decision earlier, ease up a bit.


I prefer it this way, slow honor means, players who want to pvp will stick it out. Players who just want the gear will tire out.

So there are a few problems with this:

  1. People who played before the severe honor nerfs got an extreme advantage over anyone who did not. People in my guild prefarmed the max honor during prepatch at a very comfortable rate and could buy all their gear from the start easily. This was before the massive nerf and so rates were good. Even you could argue -too- good. Some level of nerf is okay from that, but the reaction was far too extreme. As it stands this is not fair to people who didn’t get this opportunity or didn’t take it because they did not anticipate an extreme rate nerf. This isn’t a dig at people who prefarmed or anything, there is nothing wrong with that, but the honor gains should not be so abysmally different now than they were then if we’re all competing together.

  2. The blue honor gear is supposed to be starter gear and yet the costs are absurd compared to the honor gain rate. If the argument is to make the off-set pieces that are very good the objective then that’s ‘okay’ but the blue set costs should be dramatically reduced.

The math was done in another thread to point out just how bad this problem is. I wish I had the link on-hand. It’s really bad.

You are right, the pre farmed 75k honor isn’t exactly fair. But that is a separate issue from the current honor gains. I get some players are further along with their honor gear, but as you stated, it’s a starter set.

The easier things are given out, the more you’re gonna have people just doing it, and less quality games. Truthfully, if the bgs aren’t fun enough you need more honor to get better gear, then why play the game in the first place? I would rather play a game where it’s fun, and the rewards are completely secondary.

So we have a select number who had an advantage to the starter gear. Next season we’re all back in the same boat.

the 100% buff in pre-patch was incredibly slow, but felt fair and definitely wouldn’t give anyone a full set in just a weeks time. It’s still hundreds if not thousands of battlegrounds to farm everything, these people aren’t just “here for gear”, the pvp gear sucks for anthing outside pvp.

I don’t think you’re weeding out “real players”, you’re weeding out most players who legit pvp but can’t/won’t spend 12 hours a day for weeks. The current rate only tells people who actually pvp that BGs aren’t worth your time outside of the 2 set bonus and trinket. And because of this you get prot warriors and afk’rs in every BG doing nothing because they see pvp as something to do in the off-time. It doesn’t feel competitive, it feels like the worst time sink ever created.

If rewards for objectives gave much higher honor, people would compete more. This notion that making the honor grind faster would invite casuals is flawed from the start.


How does giving you gear faster make the game more fun?

If we’re all at the same pace now, due to the q times being worked out.

If I get my gear in 2 months or 2 weeks. It’s all the same, I’m still playing bgs and fighting my opponents. They aren’t getting super strong cause it’s taking them the same time to gear up. Even the sweaty’s take longer.

All faster honor does is give the players who want gear faster. The players who just want to pvp, are there for just that. The gear is just bonus.

Edit: in addition, say someone spent 24/7 the last few weeks doing the grind. That’s a spit in the face to increase honor now, when they spent all the time grinding at this slower pace.

This rate rewards unhealthy grinding, and when people grind that long they stop caring about playing well. They only care about playing for a long time. It also encourages people to afk at work, school, on a laptop from the couch etc.

I didn’t say give gear faster, I said increase honor from objectives and playing correctly. Incentivize playing the game well and it will make it more fun and competitive.

Faster honor would bring more people into pvp, both on alts and a true pvp spec because re-speccing would be worth there time.

I don’t buy the argument about it being a spit in the face to anyone who already grinded the gear. I’m done with my off-pieces, trinket, and 2 set, I don’t want anyone to have to pvp as much as I did to get the bare minimum. It was awful and took all the joy out of pvp because it felt endless being just a means to an end. Give the people the gear in a fair amount of time and they might actually WANT to come back later for fun, cause right now anyone who finishes this grind wont come back, they will stay in arena where people dont afk.

Maybe you shouldn’t have pvp’d so much, or played the game so much.

Let’s go with the suggestion, people get more honor for pvp.

I figured, it was gonna take me about 2-3 months at my pace of play, to fully gear out, enchant myself, and get all the gems and what not.

So now it takes me 2-3 weeks instead.

What am I gonna do?
I’m gonna play bgs, it’s still the same thing, just everyone has more gear now. If you’re sick of bgs, you probably played too much. It’s like anything in life, if I ate pancakes every morning for the next month. I’m probably gonna be tired of pancakes, unless I’m just absolutely in love with them.

All I’m hearing, the suggestion to just have everyone maxed geared so we can play bgs with the best gear possible.

That’s all your responding to yeah.

Fast things, go fast, take your time, and it gives time

No. Most just quit.

Also ily Lawrence keep up the good fight

if you triple honr gains, poeple will get full sets in 1 weekend that is not good, stop being lazy and grind the game

The people who have full sets put in the work ahead of timef

I have read that the honor gains we currently are getting are the “post-nerf” honor gains of the Sunwell patch. It probably shouldn’t be this way at the start, when everyone is trying to grind their first set of gear.

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If we’ve been taught anything in this game, whatever the majority complains about will sooner or later be handed to them, you just need to rally your troops and keep banging on kaivax’s door until he eventually gives you what you want, as soon as one solution is found the community wants the next solution to the next problem

heres some topics

dual spec
dungeon finder
increased honor gains
removed attunements

go wild

Amen to this. One alliance poster i can agree with.


To anyone who thinks the rates are acceptable check out the math done in this post:

horde vs horde is not the problem good for them for que times but the real problem for everybody is the honor gains