Addons that automatically cast spells are cheating and should be banned

I’ve been murdering people along the road next to Scarlet Monastery the last few days.

When I came yesterday there was an AFK mage next to the stone.
When I attacked him he ice blocked the instant my SS went off.
I went into Stealth.
The Iceblock faded and the mage just stood there while I beat him to death.

Automation is banned under the ToS and addons that automatically cast spells for you based on pre-set conditions should also be banned. I’m assuming he had some sort of WeakAura set up that checks for melee combat(or maybe just combat) to automatically cast Ice Block if the user was attacked.

Zero difference between what this guy is doing and addons that Blizzard has broken before(Like Decursive).


Im pretty sure something like that is bannable if Blizz detects it.

No program can push buttons for you.

With that said we all bots running around each day so…yeah


I saw a YouTube video talking about botting on WoW a while back(A year or two ago).
There are or were addons that bot.

Like Gold, cheats/hacks are a multi-billion dollar industry and unlike the popular stereotype the most likely people to cheat are people from the U.S. followed by people from the U.K. at least according to some of the data I’ve seen.

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They’re using a combination of AHK, a certain bot and Weak auras. They really do need to crack down on the cheating tho, the kick bots make me big mad.

Some of the kick bots are not even really bots, its a certain macro possibility that should not exist yet does; also specifically forbidden and blizzard does nothing.

some people use bots to apply dots also, and the weak aura detects enemy player / npc state allowing the bot to target the correct targets. You can also to the same with a macro; its disgusting.

All this stuff should earn a permanent Battlnet ban.


I use a kick macro but it’s just a mouseover macro.
I lose all my Combo Points if I use it on an adjacent target though. FeelsBadMan


Yeah that’s a bot it’s bannable but it’s blizzard so instead we buy boosts from them for 4g a run.


Kick macros themselves like you’re using is not what I am talking about tho; what I am talking about is a certain macro that will not kick unless your target is casting… making it possible to spam into nothing until they cast and never miss a kick.

Its 100% cheating and automation.

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Now that I know it’s a bot I’ll report the guy next time.
I assumed it was just a weakaura.

It’s crazy to me that people are willing to cheat on this.
The funny thing is I bet the guy running the Ice Block bot doesn’t buy gold because “that’s real cheating”.

Sorta like Gold Buyers(on Era, CoD, and Anniversary) don’t use hacks because “I’m not a cheater ^___^”

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Blizzard will never perma ban IP addresses or anything. Remember 2019 classic? They banned like 100k bots or something they said the week before tbc launch, then they add the lvl 58 boost. Blizz just profits off bots instead of actually dealing with them.

Remember them saying “it’s an arms race etc etc too hard to monitor” then people start posting videos of 100s of dk bots in wotlk at maraudon entrance.

They literally need 1 single human to sit monitor reports for 1 minute and see guilty or not guilty. But 1 person salary isn’t worth.


They need to hire 1-2 actual humans for each server cluster and just have them fly around looking for bots.

Don’t even need to look at the chats just go look for bots or people fly hacking below EPL for herbs/chests.


Just a single GM for Classic would be enough because its not a terribly complicated problem to solve when you can ban them so easily.

That’s a hack, not a macro.

It’s 2024. I’d be surprised if anyone in top 5% of arena is not using a kick hack.

Not technically a hack, you just need to understand how to make macros. Not everyone cheats, but quite a lot do.

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Sounds like you’re describing a screen space hack. You can’t just run AHK and get information from WoW.

Did you report that player for using hacks/botting?

Just right click the name, note that player auto iceblocked and then afk’d a gank and Blizz gets that back end records lined up for when hey review it. If that player is found to be using hacks/botting crud, Blizz is pretty harsh.

I know, and I did leave this somewhat vague to avoid making things of this kind more common. Just wanted to give light to that people do cheat, and what could be cut from the game to make it near impossible / far easier to catch.

Considering most of the high level raiders and PVPers on Vanilla(Era, SoD, and soon to be Anniv) already cheat(Buy gold) using straight up hacks isn’t that far beyond what they already do.

Take a moment to go look up some of the publicly available information regarding how much companies have to invest in anti-cheat. If you don’t trust responses from the companies themselves there are plenty of articles by third parties. They do not profit from ban cycles and there are incredibly easy to understand legal reasons you can’t mass-ban with some gm paid to “fly around” flagging accounts, lol.

I know its easier to hate on blizzard than try to see the big picture. If you give no thought to the legal ramifications of banning an account, or what legal rights you have against a termination of a paid service as a consumer in your country, then you didn’t really show up to this discussion prepared.


I love online forum game devs who work from moms basement.

there is always addons that automate your game play or press ability for you under certain conditions but it’s ban-able and the people who use it are taking the risk, at some point of wow too many people used automated addons anyway, like the kick bot.

i remember one of my friends created his own addon to make his rogue autp target any mob under certain xx HP to use mark of death and rupture so he gets free full energy and the mark cd reset since target dies during effect, it was a perfect aoe style which gives him infinite energy as if he have energy hack.
the addon allowed him to do this on every single mob during any aoe fight even if there is +100mobs being aoe’d, for normal player it’s insanely hard to even target every single welp that is about to die when 20 other players are aoeing them all and the screen is a mess but a bot can easily do it.
because there is no human even a world champion can succeed like a machine.