Addons that are a MUST for arena/pvp

Hello! I try to use no addons for years but seeing as how I am at a huge disadvantage I need to change. I need not CLASS specific addons but more like addons YOU NEED in arena to climb. I want to play again since the expansion reveal will come soon. please and thank you

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Personal recommendations from a guy learning PvP recently:

  1. WeakAuras (Super customizable and their website is loaded with everything you need already)
  2. Gladius (BiS for addons)
  3. OmniBar (Tracks enemy cooldowns, customizable, and you can move it whereever you want on screen)
  4. OmniCD (Adds cooldowns next to your party frames for allies, highly customizable)
  5. Nameplate Cooldowns (helps me a lot by attaching enemy CDs to their nameplate)
  6. GladiatorLosA (adds audio to enemy CDs, solid option if you’re an audio learner)

What is the best add on for name plates?

  1. Flyplatebuffs - adds icons above enemy nameplates for your CC, Dots etc.

  2. Omnibar - tracking enemy cds

  3. Ability team tracker - puts ur main allies cds next to their raid frames

  4. Weakauras - get someone to link you mes weakauras package for audible and visual alerts of enemy cds

  5. Sarena - allows you to reposition default arena frames and add a DR tracker + trinket tracker.

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I use Plater myself. It is very customizable and even has profiles available for download on the website.

Not using it personally but probably Plater since it is supported over at

Flyplatebuffs, Weakauras with the Mes kit, and Gladius (or Battleground Enemies for BGs) are what I use. I do need to look into a tracking addon, though–it would be helpful to know when I actually juke a kick instead of just assuming. The Losa thing people talk about might be helpful, but I find it difficult to have some robot voice saying stuff the whole time I’m trying to play.

Most kicks have a really distinctive sound file or animation. But omnibar definitely automates that problem. And with multiple kicks it’s super convenient



This helps me a bunch too. Thanks for posting this.

Woooo thank you guys! Arena has always been a part of the game that I get very intimidated to play because of all these addons. I want to take it serious and try my best

im partial to threatplates for nameplates
they’re insanely customizable and work with basically any debuff/buff addon

but for must haves
and weakauras

if you plan to farm bgs for honor at any point, battlegroundenemies are good too

Addons should be banned


i dont play with addons. im all natural.


I keep seeing “Mes WeakAura pack” but can’t find any information on it… can someone enlighten me?