Or atleast the Sniper “auto buy” option or anything that functions like it.
I remember when I actually had fun in this game manually searching for deals, doing research, ect.
Now you just afk and watch a movie with an addon that will ping when a “deal” is posted and you can insta-buy it so nobody has a chance.
- It screws over people who accidently post wrong value (forgot a 0 or something)
- Its basically botting because you don’t play the game you wait until something happens while it does all the work for you and you are tabbed out.
Please…if anything this is my biggest gripe. Addons that play the AH for you should be botting
No thanks, OP. I make around 300k a week casually with the ah and tsm.
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Wrong on #2, because you have to interact.
As far as #1, that is their fault. You have several opportunities to verify that you are selling the thing thing for what you want; I’ve honestly never posted anything for the “wrong price”, in 14 years.
I did not know this TSM thing could do that, I use auctioneer addon by Norganna.
That guy wins. Tell more, please 
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I am honestly too dumb to use TSM.
I know it’s supposed to be really great to help you make lots of gold off the AH, so I’ve looked at it a couple times and looked at some tutorials for it… and it’s still just too much.
I use Auctionator. It’s simple and basic, like me.
No, not wrong on #2 btw. It’s actively scanning and telling you what to buy. You legit are supposed to AFK and watch videos/tab out. It’s doing something while you are not playing the game or even there, that is botting.
The only reason you have to click accept is to make sure you even want to buy it. (I believe you can set it so it auto-buys without you clicking anything if you have certain settings)