Addons For Blind Players?

Hello, I am a blind player in one eye, and I have an absolute hard time seeing things in game SOMETIMES, and depending on the day I have a migrane as well, makes it hard to see… Is their any addon’s out there, that can help you a lot better? Also, is there a Blizzard support for disabled gamers like myself? Hopefully I won’t be bullied or anything for asking a legit question. Thanks a bunch !


I somehow feel like this is bait based off the last sentence…


Huh? No it’s not ! I’m legally blind…


I’m ignorant and will probably provide absolutely no help but we’d definitely need more information.

What would this add on look like? Is it like a depth perception issue and the add on is expected to modify the graphics of the game to accommodate that? Is that even possible? What about your disability and WoW causes the migraine specifically?

Don’t blind people use screen readers. Don’t see why those wouldnt work while playing wow as well.

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Nah, there is a pretty large disabled community in WoW, but I’m not sure about the answer to your question. What exactly is it you’re needing the addonto do? Or what in particular about the game makes you struggle being blind in one eye?

I’m thinking something that does vocal callouts of stuff, which stuff like DBM and BigWigs will do in raids and dungeons.

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My late fiance got migraines all the time, and they made her useless for anything but lying on the couch whimpering. If you’re having a migraine you should be treating it, not on the computer. Take care of yourself first.

As for being blind in one eye, a simple UI mod to put information where you want it should be sufficient. Just rejigger the frames until you’re happy with it. And like Zero said, DBM (or bigwigs) is already used by everyone to call out dangerous things that kill you dead, so there’s that.

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This is pretty much the standard for UI customization:

It’ll allow you to arrange your UI to whatever configuration you want.


If its for dealing with Bad on the ground, which I struggle with colorblindness affecting certain spells to ground colors, I use GTFO, its a Sound Addon that screams at you with sound that you are standing in bad, the longer the delay in the scream the less amount of dmg it is dealing, where the faster it is the more dmg you would be taking.


Addons I’m not sure about. But you could always try Able Gamers.

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If this isn’t bait I would look into weak auras. You can get weak aura scripts for pretty much anything and have the notifications or whatever be pretty much anywhere on your screen. Also move anything to bring all your UI elements over to the one side of your screen your good eye is on

Not everybody has the same symptoms, and the severity of the headaches can vary greatly. I’m probably part of a small minority who doesn’t get any headache when I have a migraine.

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I have the same issue I use the advanced system file and increase the ui scale. I am almost to 2. I still have issues with reading npc and player names but have gotten use to that. I have not figured out how to do the color blend thing that happens. I feel your pain blind in one eye and limited use of one hand. Hang in there your not alone.


How do you increase the mob / enemy bar? I wanna be able to see them as well ^^ My right eye is pure blind and my left eye I can barely see, but its doable in games and such but can’t read small print either… I am more close sighted or whatever you call it, with my left eye.

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Interface options > Names > Larger Nameplates.

I’m also legally blind in my right eye. Blind gamers unite!

Edit: you might also want to play around with the UI scale slider if you’re having trouble seeing some things.


Waiting for the servers to come back up, since it’s having issues.

Ah, I thought this was a troll thread. Like you were saying, “Addons for BLIND (totally blind) players.” Like they would be auditory, describing what was happening on screen so you could play :wink:

Here I thought I had it bad, needing to at least put in my right contact lens (-4.25) while reading the Wow forums/playing (while the left eye is fine without the lens, for the 2 and a half foot distance the monitor screen is.)

I was born with 20/200 in my left eye which is legally blind. I use weak Auras like most mythic raiders but I go above what others do. I add audio ques to some of my CD weak auras to help me since I cant always see things right away.

I would highly suggest the following.

Prat - It gives the standard chat interface a lot more control. Would be easy to select a large font size and font that works best for your vision.

Threat Plates - This allows you to customize the enemy health bars. This is invaluable for me. You can adjust the size of the health bar for a bunch of situations. For me. I make the health bar of the enemy I’m targetting about 20% bigger and anything I’m not targeting is 20% smaller and only 60-80% opacity. You can take it a step further and adjust the size relative to combat and non-combat as well. This really helps making targeting a lot easier.

OmniCC - This adds timers to frames that are much larger and easier to read. Gives you some options to tweak as well.

Dominos - This one allows you to customize your bars very easily. I’d highly recommend it as well. There are quite a few addons that allow you to adjust UI size, but this one you can on a per bar basis and quickly dial in the right size for your eye sight.

I can think of quite a few more, but those would be my top ones.

OP I also use a Name plate addon KuiNameplates IT can be customized a lot size and even class color of bars. Finding ways to adapt is what makes humans awesome. We can overcome stuff “not the S word I wanted to use” with either hardware or software or a combo of both

I use dominoes also like the post above me mentioned