Addons can no longer use /who functionality

Colateral damage? To players who are against plug ins or game changes? The whole API could be shut down without damage to anything they care about (I am not one of them, but your ’ colateral damage’ in post after post seems an excessive assumption.)

SendWho isn’t really part of the ClassicLFG core functionality.

This change isn’t targeted at ClassicLFG.


And where does that say “So we will be removing the ability for AddOns to use the SendWho() API call” It doesn’t, so again, provide me something concrete, vs all the nonsense being pulled out of thin air and quoted as concrete proof.

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You must not be responding to my post. I know how to spell collateral.

I’m not sure what you hope to accomplish by aggressively shouting “everyone is wrong!” :thinking:

You must be avoiding the issue. The thread isn’t about spelling.

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Don’t presume you know how I’m playing the game, nor that you can dictate it. For all you know, I could be doing all of those things to find my groups. It’s logical to assume that, because Blizzard provided an LFG channel in the first place, it’s intended that you find groups with random people, outside your social circle. It’s also logical to assume that, even if you’re in a guild, you won’t exclusively find party members that way. If you do, great, but it’s not the only way to play.

Good for you, fella! I’ve done those things too! However, I do see you whinging about how other people want to play the game in a way that absolutely, in no way, has any impact on how you play the game.


I think this FAR more to do with gold sellers doing mass channel invites for people they aren’t in zones with than with any other addon.


This is all very sad.

Something everyone should be grateful for.

What you could do with the original “macro system of yore” would make… eh… I’d say 90% of players $h*t their pants in rage induced seizures.

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I’m actually using less AddOns in Classic than I did in Vanilla. The only AddOn I have installed now that I didn’t really have a counterpart for in Vanilla is WeakAuras. Otherwise, I think a lot of people don’t recall how many AddOns there were back in Vanilla (though they were a bit harder to track down, install, update, etc.)

We’re not using the Retail API. We’re using the Classic API. They have some similiarites but they have many more differences, which is why so many Retail addons do not work in Classic.

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I thought addons were spooky in vanilla. I thought they would steal my account.

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So you say no one needs add ons but the ones you think necessary.

Funny how that works.

And btw, I healed heroic raids from cata - WoD without using grid or heal bot, so no they arent necessary either. You just use mouseover macros. I actually prefer it this way because the addons can have a little lag in displaying debuffs or at times bug.

I’m quite concerned about these undocumented changes that appear to be coming in. Where are the patch notes that explain the functionality that Blizz is targeting and why?
It seems other addons and even manual /who is now being affected.
If this is targeting ClassicLFG then that seems to be overreacting. I never saw ClassicLFG and what it was capable of but I assume that it couldn’t automatically teleport cross realm groups to an instance. This is what killed social interaction in the game. Typing and reading LookingForGroup chat is not social interaction lets be real. The social interaction is once you form your group and then run to the instance to meetup and then interact with people on your same server throughout the dungeon that you can then hookup with again later. Mods to help people find other people that are interested in the content that you are looking for are aiding social interaction by making it more likely you can find that group of people quicker instead of going mental reading LF1M DPS SM Lib/Cath and other such nonsense.
Just stop the addons from automatically inviting to party or something like that force people to start interacting at that point perhaps. Don’t hit all sorts of other useful information calls that could affect Census addons and others.



ClassicLFG was ‘fixed’ days ago, the /who change was part of their work on stopping Layer abuse.

It was a joke

Interesting. Can you explain your thought process on this?

Yeah, this doesn’t make any sense to me, either, since /who would return people regardless of what layer they are on.

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I didn’t say it didn’t make any sense. I am assuming the poster has a thought process connecting these things and I am genuinely interested in hearing it.