Addons can no longer use /who functionality

Quite a few tinfoil hats in this thread.

Seems people missed that part.


It does affect them. If I’m searching for a group, I have to use the exact terminology that classiclfg uses or they won’t see my post.

I can’t say

“Need one more person, probably a tank, have enough dps for deadmines”

When did ClassicLFG come into this conversation? I don’t think it uses /who. When I tried it, it was just parsing chat. I may have to reinstall the darn thing on Herod because the chat scrolls so fast.


ClassicLFG has 113K total downloads on Curseforge. 113K players spread across how many realms and regions? You’re overstating the addon’s usage and your need to reach the fraction of this addon’s users who are online at different times in your realm.

Yeah, that’s because blizz said they’d ban it. What if it had 5 million downloads? Or 50% of the population used it?

Didn’t miss it, don’t see the relevance. Instead of “tinfoil hatting” like so many, I downloaded ClassicLFG and searched through the source code. It calls SendWho in order to get the information on a person when a WHISPER is received. It’s not a hugely critical piece of functionality for the AddOn, so I’m guessing that it’s not due to this specific addon. But again, this is all speculation that could be easily resolved by Blizzard actually providing patch notes associated with this “hotfix”

No addon, even the addons with 50M downloads, has captured 50% of the player base. It’s a fantastical hypothesis.

You don’t see the relevance of “in an upcoming patch (in the weeks following launch), we will be adding restrictions to the Classic add-on API that will significantly limit this add-on and others like it”? :thinking:

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50% of the player base wasn’t doing late game dungeons at the same time.

Yeah, because as I explained, this function that was restricted doesn’t critically impair the functionality of the AddOn. I am starting at the source code, I write code for a living, but yes keep telling me how it’s relevant.

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What you find significant and what Blizzard finds significant can be two different things.

I can’t help but speculate that the /who call was broken to combat layer hopping.


It’s pretty clear that blizzard isn’t trying to impair ClassicLFG with this.


They’re trying to impair functionality that’s “incompatible with our social design.”

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/who isn’t incompatible. We had it in vanilla… with CensusPlus IIRC.

I think this still has to do with layering.


This wont stop invite spam. They can still scan the AH and invite anyone that posts anything there.

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Right, they were far more powerful back then and gave access to so much more they could automate everything.

If they wanted to break the ClassicLFG AddOn, they have MUCH EASIER ways to do so (they have an AddOn blacklist built into the client for example). So I will stick to my story that neither you nor I have any idea why Blizzard changed this function (until they actually provide us with patch notes or a direct response). But I will state that blocking this function alone will NOT break the core functionality of ClassicLFG. It will still work, you just won’t have the details on the user who whispered you available automatically (guild, level, class).

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There’s a way to block whispers from random people whispering you about guilds, while also not blocking those whispers that aren’t about guilds? TIL

Nice try moving the goal posts there. It has been said multiple times block guild INVITES, not random people messaging you about whatever (which they can do without an AddOn, I get random messages on my bank alt all the time completely UNRELATED to guild invite spam)