Addons amount to sanctioned cheating. If not cheating the FAILING user interface and mechanics

I meant omnibar not omnicc. I always get their names confused. Yes I am okay with being able to see the timers and see my hots/dots on nameplates.

So you basically want to deprive players of useful information? I don’t understand that stance. Addons are available to everyone. While the base UI provides most of this information, it doesn’t do it well. In the end, being good in arena isn’t just about pressing a button because some air horn went off. If it was, everyone would be the same rating. Plenty of things that matter more.

I agree with the addon issue. There should not be addons that show the enemy cd timers for offensive or defensive spells. There should only be the default UI and at most show trinket timer. Having these on your UI is akin to seeing the opposing team’s playbook in a football game. There should be no addon that shows cc diminishing returns. Even pros from the old day complain about that where back in the day you couldn’t use addons in tournaments.

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