For the record: you don’t get banned for using addons in FFXIV, you get banned for getting caught using addons in FFXIV.
Huge, very important, very distinctive difference there, friendo.
How do I know this, you may ask- I use addons in FFXIV. See my character is thicc. THICC!! Full Nicki Minaj, dump truck, baby got back, thicc.
But I digress.
Point is, you’re absolutely bugging if you think people don’t use the raid tools to clear content. Even still, addons or no, still gotta dodge the fire yourself though.
And that’s the same deal here. Addons in WoW don’t play the gd game for you. Still gotta dodge the fire yourself.
The devs have stated they are in an open arms race against addon developers. They build fights knowing full well that addons will end up covering most of the mental work demanded of the player hence the onus is on finding more ways to challenge the player…which leads to more “need” of having addons (or more specifically cheap auras) to counter.
I think it would be very telling if Blizzard stopped with this arms race, released “easy” fights (since DBM and cheap auras will just trivialize them) but release tournament realms for the RWF where all addons are totally unusable AND they have the ultra mechanic dense heavy fights tryhards “need” the tools for.
You’re only hurting yourself here by not using addons. Delude yourself into thinking you are a better player, but the stated intent is addons are part of the ecosystem and fights are literally built assuming the players have access to them.
So… knowing who actually has a debuff, since it’s not that prominent on player bars, then deciding who should be cleansed for priority’s sake… is somehow the game holding my hand? Did the game push the button for me? Did the game decide who I should cleanse for me?
Whatchu talkin’ 'bout, Willis?
You sure seem to want to… I don’t see anyone else here doing that. lol
This entire idea is so goofy. Do you drive your car around without a speedometer and then go around thinking you are superior to the other drivers because of it?
The only game performance addon I use is a dps meter. And I only use it to get an idea of where I fall in comparison to those I play with. I use to run DBM and WA but I really don’t like screen clutter so I eventually just stopped.
I have one character that has raided with my son’s guild as a guest. Everyone is required to use DBM or another raid warning addon. I find it helpful for me just to watch for crap on the ground when things start moving too fast.
I am not anywhere close to a decent player but I do really have a lot of fun playing WoW. If using addons help make the game enjoyable, then they should be used. If you don’t enjoy playing a game, then do something else, but don’t stomp everyone else into the ground for taking advantage of helpful addons.
I’m simply an open world player. I use Better fishing, DejaCharacterStats, No Talking Heads, Numeration, Poisoner (for my rogue), Scrap, Simulationcraft, and Tom Tom when I need to locate something. They all harm no one.
These threads always kind of confuse me, I never actually see these people who are screaming how great they are from the mountain tops, addons or not.
Here’s my 2 cents though, I mythic raid, and in my personal experience, the devs build mythic raid with addons in mind. Its incredibly often each tier to have a handful of mechanics that demand addons. Does it make for super interesting gameplay in those moments? I personally dont think so. But they exist, and plenty cant be done in time without addons, and even with them, people make mistakes.
Do addons make the game easier? Absolutely! But I would make the argument that they are expected from blizzard, and thats just how it is. You can walk 10 miles to work, but in all likelihood you’re expected to drive if you want to make it in time.
honestly, DBM wouldnt be needed if blizzard knew how to make good raid mechanics. giant insta death swirilies that blend in with the floor doesnt exactly give me confidence in a group being able to avoid it without an addon