Addon to track # of dispellable buffs on enemy?

I can only see specific buffs/debuffs, which is nice for clean ui but if pally has divine favor/druid has innervate I don’t know how many buffs I’d have to get through to dispel it.

Is there any way to have a counter of how many purgeable debuffs are on each of the enemy team?

Threat plates does this nicely

Thanks Lasso, but that’s not exactly what I want. I don’t want to see all buffs, that’s a bit distracting esp vs resto druids.
I want to see just the buffs I hardcode in, and then a number.
For example, vs druids I would hardcode only ‘Innervate’, and then only when innervate is up (ideally) I would see a number (say, 5, in a box) or how many dispellable buffs the druid has.

Don’t care if the number is above their head, if there was a Tell Me When or WeakAura module that I could put to the side and display that counter, that would work also.

Right now I’m using threatplates and hardcode innervate, so only innervate and no other buff gets shown above resto druids, which is clean, but then I don’t know how many purges it’ll take unless I target and then try to guess based on portrait.

I’m sure you can find a weakaura like this

then convert it to text and find %s or %p for stacks and mess around but sorry, not sure of a numerical purge addon off the top my head

I’ll explore it some tho to see if i can find anything

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@Lasso thank you, didn’t know this was a thing. Will try to hack it!

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Kuinameplates can be configured to only show purgable buffs above a players head.

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