AddOn to fix bag size?

I’ve been away from retail for a while, haven’t played at all since DF launched. Most of the new UI I can fix with mods. But not bags. Not the bag icons, the actual open bags. They’re HUGE, taking up an absurd amount of screen space. The same space that used fit five bags now fits only three.

I’ve searched and searched for a mod or a way to adjust (opened) bag size but I’ve found nothing. The Edit Mode doesn’t do it, all the bag mods I find are just “one big bag”, nothing to adjust the size of the bags.

Can you help? Do you know a mod or another way to fix the size of (opened) bags?



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Alas, no. What I’m after is to simply change the size of the standard WoW bags. Bagnon with bag break on is closer than any other suggestions so far though.

Oh, I thought you were referring to the one bag mode. If you’re looking to organize your bags by type then ArkInventory or AdiBags would be a better addon solution than Bagnon, albeit still not what you’re asking for.

By the sounds of it, they want something to actually reduce the screen real estate taken up by their open bags, and the only thing I could find about reducing their scale was from 8 years ago and no longer works. UI scale exists, but it also changes the entire ui and not just bags, and isn’t even guaranteed to do anything since it only goes down to 65%

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/run for i = 1, 6 do local bag = _G["ContainerFrame" .. i] hooksecurefunc(bag, "SetScale", function(self) if self:GetScale() == 1 then self:SetScale(0.7) end end) end

Change the 0.7 to whatever works for you (1 being the default scale).

/reload before running more than once or you will end up with multple hooks…

You can paste everything but the /run to the website to create/downlad as a small addon so you don’t have to run it every time you login.


OMG you’re my hero! A fix that works and doesn’t even require a mod! Or can be a mod if I want! Thank you so much! <3

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