Addon to Display Visual Warning when "Stealthed Player Nearby" Sound Plays


I like to play with the sound off, but there is a significant disadvantage in PvP for doing so as you cannot hear the sound that plays when a stealthed player comes into visual range.

Is there a way to change this sound into a visual notification? A weakaura or addon? I looked extensively on google and was not able to find anything.

No, spy isn’t what I’m talking about. That only detects when a stealth ability is used. I want an addon to translate visually the sound that is played when an already stealthed player comes near me.

I’m pretty sure at a Blizzcon some time ago the devs said the sound was intended to be played to the player entering/leaving stealth and they were surprised when other players received the sound when a stealthed character entered a certain range.

With that said I don’t think that “detection” went so far as being available to the UI system beyond receiving/loosing a nameplate but stealth tests like IsStealthed() or the UPDATE_STEALTH event tend to refer to the Player only.

Happy to be proved wrong though.

I could also make my own addon or weakaura. Is it possible to trigger off a sound? Or am I SOL?

You’d be SOL because the sound is comming from the game, not via the UI API that addons/macros use/hook into.