Addon question, downloading from Curseforge

I’m trying to get my first addon working. So far I have written my MyAddon.lua and MyAddon.toc files. I fixed a bug in my .toc file so it now finds the .lua file (I think) and I’m getting the Addon button. My .lua file has:

print(“My first addon.”)

Problem is, I’m not seeing the “My first addon” message displayed when I log in.

Someone suggested I go into Curseforge and try the bug-grabber and bugsack. I went to the page and I see a description of what they do.

What I don’t see is instructions on how to down load bug-grabber and bugsack. In the source section I see:

svn checkout [a URL goes here I’m not allowed to post] bug-grabber

Am I suppose to file that somewhere or use that somehow or is there a download script to install them and get them running?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Just install them separately, you don’t need to incorporate them with your addon.

Ok this is going to sound real noob but I didn’t see an “install” button. Am I suppose to copy something somewhere?

Save yourself a bunch of headaches and…

Install the CurseForge version of
The Standalone version of the CurseForge Client

Personally, I recommend WoWUp.

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If you replace the code in your .lua file with the following you should get a standard red button in the middle of your screen to click.

local f = CreateFrame("Button", "TiffanyTestButton", UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
f:SetSize(90, 40)
f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)
f:SetText("Click Me!")
f:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, button, down) 
	print("Tiffany Clicked Me!")

If you show the current contents of your .toc file, that would seem to be the most likely place for a problem given you have the AddOns button showing now (and BugSack may not be much help with a .toc bug).

Ok I tried that. Still have the Addon button. It says the addon is enabled for “all”. I tried “old versions”. not seeing anything.

Note the has tags (pound signs) are creating the large bold type

Interface: 100207


Title: MyAddon.lua

Notes: My first addon

Author: Tiffany

local f = CreateFrame(“Button”, “TiffanyTestButton”, UIParent, “UIPanelButtonTemplate”)
f:SetSize(90, 40)
f:SetPoint(“CENTER”, UIParent, “CENTER”, 0, 0)
f:SetText(“Click Me!”)
f:SetScript(“OnClick”, function(self, button, down)
print(“Tiffany Clicked Me!”)

Place your code in code tags (the </> button above the edit box).

.toc file:

## Interface: 100207
## Version:
## Title: MyAddon
## Notes: My first addon
## Author: Tiffany


It must include the name of your code file(s) (Myaddon.lua) and the .lua file in this case would be in the same folder as the .toc file.

Myaddon.lua file:

local f = CreateFrame("Button", "TiffanyTestButton", UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
f:SetSize(90, 40)
f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0)
f:SetText("Click Me!")
f:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) 
	print("Tiffany Clicked Me!")

If the addon in the list is shown as out-of-date you can check the “Load out of date Addons” box. This is simply a check of the ## Interface: against the internal interface version number.

Ok so the Title is now as listed below. I have an addon button but no button shows up in the center of the screen when I enter the world

## Interface: 100207
## Version:
## Title: MyAddon.lua
## Notes: My first addon
## Author: Tiffany

I believe that Version is up to date unless I copied it wrong.
Checked it again, it looks OK

It’s still missing the code file Myaddon.lua at the bottom of the .toc file.

## Interface: 100207
## Version:
## Title: MyAddon
## Notes: My first addon
## Author: Tiffany
### the line above is required. ###

This is weird. My version has that .lua
When I look at my note above I see the .lua

With a mark to defang the pound signs
x## Interface: 100207
x## Version:
x## Title: MyAddon.lua
x## Notes: My first addon
x## Author: Tiffany

And the Same thing

## Interface: 100207
## Version:
## Title: MyAddon.lua
## Notes: My first addon
## Author: Tiffany

Are you seeing the .lua in either version?

This does not load the code file (it’s what is displayed as the addon name under the AddOns button).

This does.

Copy paste ALL of this to your .toc file

## Interface: 100207
## Version:
## Title: Tiffanys Addon
## Notes: My first addon
## Author: Tiffany
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Thanks :slight_smile:

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