Addon (not DBM) keeps cancelling the say speech in dungeons

I have an addon that I believe is cancelling the say speech during dungeons. Yell is not cancelled, but whenever an enemy or NPC “says” something, that is cancelled.

I unchecked every “disable speech” button in DBM, so I don’t think that it is DBM causing the issue. I would never download any addon that would purposefully cut speech and I enjoy it.

Anyone know what other addon might possibly be cancelling the say speech in dungeons? Thanks!

Check you actual chat settings.
Right click the chat tab > settings > other

They’re all checked on!
What happens is, the NPCs will start to talk, and then their voices will just fade away… like they’ve been cancelled by something.

Are you referring to:

  • the talking head frame
  • actual voice dialog
  • text in the chat box

The actual voice acting dialog. The chat still appears in my chatbox - but the voice lines just fade away :frowning:

I’m not aware of an addon that fades the dialog audio channel in and out.

It only fades it out, not back in. Just cuts it short when it starts.

I’d recommend either disabling your addons by halves till you find the culprit (takes up to 7 attempts) or posting a video of the issue so we can better help.

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This behavior sounds like a feature added to World Quest Helper in its most recent update, turned on by default.

I don’t know what option in that addon controls this, because I happen to like it and therefore haven’t gone looking for how to turn it off.

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