'Addon' has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI

The problem is entirely with omnibar.

Although Omnibar looks like it got updated 5 days ago.

Maybe they havenā€™t found what they need to change to fix this.

Ok so this has been killing me. Iā€™ve been coming back to this post for a couple weeks now hesitant to post anything. This has been an issue for me since the new GUI update and Iā€™ve been solving with a reload. But I had some time on my hands this past weekend and put things to the test.

I have also noticed that everytime I get this error, it references a different addon each time. First thing I did was remove all addons. I played for an honest hour without any addons (this felt super weird), didnā€™t get a single error. So I started enabling them. I started with tomtom. My plan was to enable tomtom and see if just that addon alone could trigger the error. And within 10 minutes, going into a couple instance and then trying to apply a buzzing rune, boom, I got hit with the error. Checked the version and Tomtom was up to date and good to go. I then moved on to the next one. I enable altoholic and disabled tomtom, boom, happened again. I repeated with 3 more addons and had the same issue for each one.

My conclusion here is that itā€™s not the addons that are causing this issue. I mean, it IS, but itā€™s not the result of a broken addon. It must be a result of the way the new GUI code is interacting with our addons. Now, I know there are a bunch of people who arenā€™t having this issue too, totally legit and I hear you. My theory here is that maybe itā€™s a certain setting that some people have enabled that is causing this. For example, is it something like ā€œdynamic flying disabledā€ or ā€œoverlapping nameplatesā€, something weird that is causing a handful of people to interact poorly with any addon.

I donā€™t have an answer on how to fix this obviously, but maybe if I get more time Iā€™ll start playing around with the settings and see if it fixes things. Either way, Iā€™ll reload for now because I love this game. But we definitely need to address this problem as a community and stop deflecting the argument.


Blizzard does not support debugging addons, and reserves the right to make any changes it feels like making even if they break existing addons. In which case, it is the addon authorsā€™ responsibility to update their addons to be compatible.

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I agree. I think it is intentional.

That kind of addon API change (triggering that specific addon error) is deliberate, intended to close a security hole in the addon runtime environment. Usually, there will be a secure alternative to the old codeā€™s insecure method, and the addon author is expected to transition to the new method.

If they donā€™t for any reason, the player will have to live with the buggy addon, switch to another addon which does the same function but is still being maintained, or uninstall the addon.

Bumping because ever since DF started, i have to reload every single time I enter or exit a dungeon. Or log in. Or sitting in Valdrakken. It is literally every. Single. Addon. That gets blocked by blizzard UI and I need to Ignore or Disable.

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The error itself is generally only a consequence of one addon. The popup doesnā€™t mean a whole lot

Theres been several errors ive seen. I dont understand them tho. I downloaded notaint2, and BugSack to try to catch them. The errors are literally almost every single addon I use. Ive posted them to several places where you can post bugs for said addon, curse, discord. The response from the devs, is that its WOW not their addon.

I get there is a new UI, but ive never seen this many errors with addons in the game before.

Like I said, the popup doesnā€™t mean a whole lot. I donā€™t know if it still does, but omnibar had tons of issues early on in dragonflight. For me, the popup almost never showed omnibar as the issue. So the addon devs are likely right in that itā€™s not their specific addon, but it is an addon that is causing the problem.

sometimes if there are changes to the game you need to find the latest version of the addon(s) or get in touch with the author of the addon and use the comments to ask to fix any problems.

This specific appearance of the mentioned dialog is a recent issue caused by the changes they made to ClearTarget() and other commands last week. Itā€™s on their radar.

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Ive been working on my own addon and ran into this. It seems like if there are clashes in function names it gives this warning.

I had a function call max(a,b) and I kept getting this error. Debugging and changing it to my_max(a,b) it removed the error.

The first issue is that Blizzard has never provided any tools for addon authors to deal with taint issues like they said they would when they initially created the concept of taint. All we have is a taint log which only helps so much. It tells that there is taint, not that it is caused by using a blizzard UI template that gets tainted from a different inherited template four levels deep.

The second issue is that there are lots of Blizzardā€™s API calls that if an addon tries to use will cause taint issues. A big one is addons authors that are unaware that using the default dropdown api which will cause lots of taint problems.

The New UI made things worse as previously if an addon tainted say the minimap, the taint would be contained to a that. With the new UI editor, as soon as you go into edit mode any tainted elements connected to the editor will taint the editor, which will then spread the taint to all the UI elements connected to it. Thatā€™s why you often see an action being blocked by an addon that doesnā€™t every interact with the action.

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The worse part is that I canā€™t even minimize or remove the ui error window so it just blocks my whole screen until i die. (same thing with mind control bug). just never goes away.

Elvui I found out, tends to ā€œhideā€ the pop up that ā€œyour actions have been blockedā€. But, it doesnt matter because you still cannot do certain things when that error appears.

I get this when I try to use items in my bag. Once itā€™s started happening (it doesnā€™t always start immediately) the only way to use an item is to move it to an action bar and use it from there. This does not work for items you are trying to disenchant. The only (temporary) work-around is to /reload.

Just came to add, Still not fixed.

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I actually wrote a basic macro to /reload ui . and placed it on all my and the wifeā€™s character spell bars because we have to reload ui that often while waiting for it to be corrected ā€¦the worst part is the error is not consistent across all charactersā€¦ so never can be sure when it strikes ā€¦ youre a addon addictā€¦ wife is a alt queen ā€¦same addons ā€¦same actions ā€¦ different characters ā€¦some char will not get the error ā€¦some do notā€¦ why i wrote a basic /reload ui macro.
yes this is a problem since new expansion ā€¦never needed to write a macro for some thing ā€¦ except /tar ā€œmobā€ when hunting a petā€¦till this expansion

Iā€™m getting this error when I try to disenchant things. Specifically from Raider IO