Addon for Proc Abilities

Can anybody point me to the best addon that clearly makes it known to you that one of your abilities is up? I’m thinking things like Overpower, Revenge, Riposte, etc.?

I know there’s got to be a go-to addon for this that the community uses. Thanks in advance.

Ummm, you do know you don’t need an add-on for this right ?

Its an option to toggle regarding floating text, and with overpower ( and similar things ) you can macro it up to allow the skill to illuminate when ready regardless of stance.

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Illuminate on your bars right? Yeah, I just miss it sometimes. Maybe an audio alert when it’s up? There’s got to be an addon that does this.

I’m not 100% positive but try hear kitty. It’s meant for playing sounds on combo point generation but If I recall correctly it was playing the sounds whenever my overpower activated on my warrior. Not sure if it’s an intentional feature of the addon, but I remember thinking it was cool It worked on more than just combo points.

I’ll check it out. Thank you!

Weakauras. Once you learn how to use it, it will replace lile 90% of your other addons.

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Awesome. Thanks!

Totally unrelated but something I just thought about, when playing a healer, is there an addon that will show how much you’ve healed your groupmates for? The default floating text does not show this. I downloaded Mik’s Scrolling combat text and I like it but I’m curious about alternatives. Not looking to go full on HealBot yet. I’m slowly leveling alts.

I haven’t been able to find one yet that throws heal numbers above them like you can with damage. It should be possible. I just haven’t looked much into it really.

Mik’s was the goto back in vanilla, but I would argue incoming heals are more important to know and for that you’ll need healcomm.

weakauras will only show that revenge is active if I am in defensive stance, which defeats the purpose.

Revenge and overpower share a cooldown - you only want it to trigger revenge while in def stance. I made my own wa for overpower and the trigger in that looks for an enemy im in combat with that has dodged - this is how i know its triggered from any stance. Not perfect - but i know what its doing.