Addon compartment

i’ve noticed a lot moving to the addons compartment which i love, but one of the mods i like had something called slidebar where you could hide what was in it if you wished. they asked if i know how to make that possible. i cannot find that anywhere.

is the addoncompartment something that once enabled in code cannot be set to have a on/off option?

if so would adding that be an enhancement request that blue can pass to the devs? i think more addon devs would use it then as they could give their users the option. i know one i use would do that then.

Not really sure what part of the addon comartment you’re asking about but I’ll guess the numbers displayed on the minimap. You can show/hide it with something like:

/run AddonCompartmentFrame:SetShown(not AddonCompartmentFrame:IsShown())
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more if the button is in there. probably can use a variable in settings and just require a reload.

Getting to that level of fiddly in the UI is probably more likely to be left to an addon. If there aren’t already several out there.

yeah the add on can use a variable. just requires reload if you change it. tested with the add on dev that was complaining it didnt have a show/hide in game already

If I’m understanding what you are wanting, you would want a stand-alone addon that manages the compartment to allow users to select which addons are shown in the compartment and which aren’t (would only work to manage addons that are set up in their .toc(s) to actually use the compartment).

Addon compartment can be setup outside the .toc file. The code below can be run in game to add a heading ‘Test’ and when you click it it prints text.

/run AddonCompartmentFrame:RegisterAddon({text = "Test",notCheckable = true,func = function() print("TEST") end})

This could be modified to show a frame, run a global function or any valid lua code.

I’m not sure what you’re going to do with that in terms of managing what is/isn’t displayed in the compartment?

I didn’t say it had a lot of uses just you don’t have to set things up in a .toc file

You are indeed correct.

Just noticed this:

Someone was listening :wink:

perfect! lol this is precisely what i was asking of blizzard. the addons compartment mimics slidebar, part of auctioneer that has been around since vanilla/classic. the difference is slidebar has a option to hide things that can appear there. hence my thinking this would be possible.