Addon advice

I’ve came back after life threw me some curveballs and forced a six year break. its been even longer since I have done any RP are there any addons to help with this or any advice would be greatly appreciated. I do have characters on another server but this one would be a new one starting from square one.

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TotalRolePlay3 is what everyone’s using these days, but of course you still have MyRolePlay, XRP, and a few others. (MSP is still around I think).

If you tend to post longer messages beyond the simple 255 characters that WoW gives you, Emote Splitter is currently the only paragraph / multi-post addon that works post-7.3.5.

If you have an issue with typos, frequently misspell or are ESL (english second language) I recommend Misspelled.

Those are really the only ones I can think of that would get you running fairly quick. GryphonHeart Items has been banned as there were SQL injections and other client-side tampering done with that addon (some nasty stuff).

Tongues no longer really works, but it was niche even among crowds back in 2013.

If you fancy crossfaction roleplay, there’s a new elixir that allows you to use /s, /e, /y, and others with the opposite faction.

Finally, I recommend elephant to anyone who frequently finds themselves overwhelmed with ‘chatspam’, or those who feel like they get swamped quickly in conversation in-game. Very handy, uses next to no memory, and uses nothing but base permissions.

That’s about it. There are more complex add-ons for the DnD-centric, but I figure I’ve already listed a few links and didn’t want to ambush you.

Welcome back, and I hope you enjoy yourself on WrA. It’s somewhat of a safe haven for RP these days. :wave:


thank you for the info. I’ll start looking into them now so when i get home ill have an idea

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Listener - honestly probably useful for non-RPers as well, tbh.

Deadly Boss Mods isn’t an RP addon, but if you end up doing any kind of content, you should get it because it’s basically the stuff that should have come with WoW content by default.

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