Additional Resources For Recruiters

Many of you know me because of the Recruitment & Community discord, so you’ve probably seen all of these links already from This is more for the people who are frustrated with recruitment and weren’t aware of this information. Not everyone uses discord.

Guild Ranking Sites:
For starters, you should be aware of all of these ranking sites for a variety of reasons.

  • WoWProgress (WP):

This website provides a wealth of information about guilds, ranking, ilvls, etc. What people may not realize is that there are a high number of people looking for guilds that use this to find them. You should log in, take control of your guild and update with your information and needs on your guild’s wowprogress page. If your guild isn’t found, you can force it to update as well. The downside is duplicate guilds from transfers can mess up the ranking system.

Keeping this updated and keeping information like how many days & what days you raid, the times (including your time zone don’t call it server time) and what your requirements/needs are can be extremely beneficial.

  • Raider io (RIO):

Most of us know this as the M+ ranking site, but they also have a spot where you can update your guild information. They have been working, slowly, on a guild recruitment backend that is highly searchable so keep an eye out for that. This site has rankings that vary from those on wowprogress, so people sometimes use the ranks here instead.

  • Warcraft Logs (WCL):

A majority of raiding guilds use this for log management already, but within the last two tiers they added progression tracking. This is the site I prefer since you can break it down by US instead of just everyone in our region. Most US players traditionally only care about US rankings as they aren’t transferring to OC or SA realms to begin with.

This is also important if you’ve never used logs before to try and familiarize yourself with it. This can help you figure out what is going wrong that is preventing your team from defeating a boss and claiming that glorious loot at the end.

Guild Roster Tracking/Managers:

None of these are necessary to use but for many with large rosters, they are a quality of life upgrade to guild management. I personally just have my own Google spreadsheet, so it’s really up to how you want to manage your guild. There is no right or wrong way to do so. These are just additional options.

  • Advanced Guild Statistics:

This is a roster tracker with more options than I fully understand. You can see some images of it here: Make sure you check for updates. As with anything, it could randomly stop being updated/supported.

  • WoW Audit:

This is an audit spreadsheet that automatically updates your guild’s roster from a Google Spreadsheet.

  • Addon: Guild Roster Manager:

Addons randomly stop getting updated, so if you’re using this just make sure you’re aware that this method may stop being supported or future game patches could break it.

Logs & Log Analyzers:

  • Warcraft Logs:

Uses information from combat logging in game and allows you to upload that to a website for analysis.

  • WoW Analyzer:

Analyze your raid logs to get personal suggestions and metrics to improve your performance using a Warcraft logs report. They actually have a write up on how to use this here:

  • Wipefest:

Uses data from Warcraftlogs to display insights and timelines for raid encounters either on the website or with the Wipefest bot you can add to your Discord (I have no idea how to use it).

Facebook Recruitment Groups:

You need to have a Facebook account to join/see these groups. As someone who recruits for CE level groups, this hasn’t been a successful avenue for me. That being said, if your guild is social or raids casually, the number of people from these groups can be beneficial to you in one way or another. They can also randomly be deleted/shut down so if a link stops working, please let me know.

  • World of Warcraft Guild Recruitment:

  • World of Warcraft US/AUS/Oceanic Guild Recruitment:

  • World of Warcraft Guilds:

  • World of Warcraft Raider Classifieds - US Servers:

Recruitment Forums/Links:

Communities have a limit, so keep that in mind. They aren’t the best option if you’re trying to build a community based around raiding if the goal is to grow it over a certain level. This is great for smaller communities though.

  • MMO Champion Guild Recruitment Forums [US & OC]:

I haven’t used these forums since Wrath or Burning Crusade, so who knows how effective they are.

  • Reddit WoW Guild Recruitment Subreddit:

You can sort to just the people looking, so this is helpful. Make sure if you post to follow the format and rules or your post will get deleted.

  • WoW Lemmings (Filters Official Forums):

This one worked better before the forum changes so keep that in mind that it may be less effective than before.

  • Wowprogress (Sorted by US & Time):

I would just bookmark this since you can click that exactly and it will be the most recent posts.

  • Weekly Saturday /r/WoW Guild Recruitment Threads:

Someone told me the link doesn’t work but it worked for me so your mileage may vary.

Useful Raiding Links:

  • WeakAuras Database:
  • WeakAuras Online:
  • How to Create & Use WeakAuras:
  • BFA Attunements:
  • Faction Change Information:

This is just good information to have on hand so that if you’re recruiting someone, you’re able to tell them everything about transfer costs, gold they can bring over, etc. They change/update the gold transfer caps once in awhile so make sure you’re checking and not giving bad information.


I was having trouble finding this information (I found a trust level page from the Overwatch forums with similar information) and then someone else explained how to use it with the WoW links.

Edit this link to have your character name and realm like so:

It comes to some crazy looking page where you need to hold Ctrl+F and search for “trust_level”. The highest number is your current trust level.

^ This basically covers what trust levels are if you’re curious what this post is even about.


I will be adding suggestions for recruitment questions here after Thanksgiving ends. I just didn’t have the time.


One more extra slot on how to sell your guild (like make people want to join). Now I’m off.


I think you should be a M V P M V P M V P M V P


Nah. You say this but you’d regret it haha.


I’ll be updating this today after the movie.


I want to know how good it is!! I also know you being an MVP would help the community as a whole


I forgot to update this. Oh no. I blame finals.


This is a great post, and it’s really awesome of you to put it together.


this is interesting.


I’ll eventually finish this. Don’t let me forget. = X


You shouldn’t forget.

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I forgot. = (


Forgot what?

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people still needs to know about this

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To update this.

Boop for helpfulness

Super helpful. Woo!

Bump this thread more!