Additional Instances cannot be launched

They got Aggrend on Classic WoW but his vision for the game is megaservers .
They’ve got Chris Metzen back for retail.

I’m hoping he pokes his nose into Classic too.

Chris is the Storyline and Lore guy, not sure what he’s suppose to do about bots and those kinds of problems…

He’s got pull.
If he noticed something he’d probably say something to the GM’s management.

Though from what I’ve seen on the YouTubes from Ex-GMs Blizzard doesn’t actually care about quality of service as much as volume of service.

Unfortunately the situation in corporate world globally.

I’m not sure even Metzen could save the WoW story at this point.

Not enough to get me to buy TTW.


That depends on the company.
Nintendo makes good hardware.
I dropped my 3DS in the toilet and it was fine like 20 minutes later.

I freaked out and pulled apart to “dry it” and it turns out they made the thing basically waterproof outside of the ports, it’s got like 2-3 cases(I only took the outer shell off, I didn’t have the Torx Driver to open the inner shell.

Most Japanese companies that reach NA have pretty high quality products tbh.
Their cars last forever with basically zero maintenance(and are pretty cheap to fix).
Beamers and Veedubs are both super reliable(and expensive to fix).

Even American car companies are finally doing okay again(Not you Dodge Trucks and your rust problems).
It’s mostly the gaming industry that enjoys serving us slop.

I tend to exempt Japanese companies from the normality since they’re culturally different from the majority of the rest of the world.

Tho you have a solid point about gaming, they’re bottom of the barrel for quality and integrity, tho software in general is overall kinda crappy now days.

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Software has never been good.
Nobody actually knows what they’re doing they just make it up as they go along and then copy other people.

That’s why there really hasn’t been any massive leaps in graphics outside of Unreal Engine.
John Carmack created Doom, Quake, and the Occulus Rift and is a pioneer in graphics.

He created basically everything about Doom 1/2 regarding the engine, how the lighting worked, and that sorta stuff. The whole id team was instrumnetal in the creation of both those games, but Carmack was the backbone.
He created the first fully 3D FPS game with Quake 1 and invented ways to do shadows and light sources.
More graphics and engine stuff for Quake 2.
Ditto for Quake 3, better physics too.
He invented Bump Mapping and more lighting techniques for Doom 3.
He’s the lead designer and programmer behind the occulus rift.

Cliff “Cliffy B” Bliezenski made Unreal, Unreal Tourmament, Gears of War, and some other games that didn’t do very well.

He was the main dude behind the unreal engine from Unreal 1 to Unreal 4 or 5, he got ousted around Gears 2 iirc.

We don’t really have young “Rockstar” programmers anymore, we still have dudes like Shigeru Miyamoto doing their thing but the guy’s pushing retirement age soon and it’s going to be really sad.
But there’ll be a rockstar for sure in the coming generation of kids that are in their teens or younger right now. There mgiht even be one in their 20s right now making the best Indie game ever.

These are pretty interesting listens if you’re curious.

RetroAhoy: Doom

RetroAhoy: Quake


I am actually very familiar with history and tech of doom, Quake, Unreal and several other truly amazing engines of that era.

20 year old game…
Weekly maintenance…
2nd time they’ve launched this…

Still nothing but problems.


Explain to me why Bots have more rights then players who play by the rules ?

I want a GM or mod to answer this – begging ya

I cannot get into Razor K cause it’s filled with bots or something not sure – I pay 15 bucks a month to PLAY the game but I cannot cause you care more about the bots and the money they pay ya to BREAK TOS then players who play by the rules and just want to have fun

20min later I finally got in – Fix this NOW


Never seen or heard of that error in almost 20 years of wow. Sounds like a weird limitation, specially in 2025.

love to see aggrend fired tbh! horrible management of classic!


Waiting for the Blizz post saying this is working as intended. Bots are people too that just need a hug.

it was big during Tier 9.

So them bots are not only the reason the price of DM East herbs is dirt cheap but also are actively keeping me out of the dungeons huh?
Dang! And I thought the bot plague was bad in TBC Classic

its making instances unplayable

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This is what happens when Blizzard does nothing against bots and regular players ALSO make mages and farm to combat the problem with inflation and rampant bot farming.

Maybe Blizzard will address bots now?

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Funniest thing I’ve ready today. Thanks.