Additional Class Tuning Incoming - December 21

Hate to be the one to burst some bubbles but people saying “I’m going to unsub if this and that aren’t changed to my liking” are hilariously delusional.

I promise you - Blizz will continue moving on without a second thought.

Also - how about people use logic and think about what they are asking for. Instead of nerfing everything - how about we buff or change how underperforming classes work.

Another thing - if anyone thinks this is not going to happen week in and week out, even more so when 40-50-60 comes out, I feel sorry for your limited thinking.

SoD is clearly a beta experiment that will stay that way until they try to pawn off SoD TBC. The goal is for us to waste time leveling everything so that people can play FOTM classes on a whim and “parse” like it matters.

The longer Blizzard can keep us occupied with this, the less content they actually have to produce.


Fix Ashenvale.


I’d just be happy to have an aoe attack of literally any kind as a tank rogue.

You’ve gotta be joking right. Not every patch requires a Hunter nerf. How about they fix lonewolf, melee, explosive, chimera and sniper training to actually be worth a damn.


Can I have your stuff?

You can’t kill / abuse pathing / cc a pet. You sir are the problem l2p.


This can only happen every 10s also each has less than 20% chance to crit. Even if they both crit 600 damage is like about 1/3 of your HP lol. Rogues can destroy Hunters.

Bro y’all bad

Rofl, you really live in your bubble don’t ya. No clue yet asking for nerfs.

Though this will help, AOE threat is impossible. Rage tanks that lose threat once cannot get it back and everyone is going ham. It makes the Mana based tanks head and shoulders better. Rage tanks almost need something aoe that costs no rage and can only be used in bear/with shield with massive threat.

They’ve specced into Beast Mastery. You know like buffing the pet not the Hunter lol. You’re really funny.

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You think most people that play the games come to the forums?
A very small minority of players ever even come here.

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Oh how about buff other classes to make them on par rather than nerfing?

Absolutely. If Hunter is nerfed anymore it will literally be less powerful than era at 25 given the same gear.

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This is absolutely the most ridiculous buff, Shadow Priest in Classic absolutely cannot handle SW:Death, I’ve even argued currently in phase 2 it’s going to absolutely destroy us. Even more so now in phase 1 and Phase 2.

Are these devs listening? This buff is ridiculously bad for Raiding, SW:Death needs to go! Seriously at this point remove it for something else then literally delete ourselves trying to do damage if this is their solution.

So what? Now we have to use even more mana to try and help mitigate the backlash damage?. Put more strain on Healers mana so we can deal damage?.

Seriously I cannot fathom who thought SW:Death should be in Classic and the rest of the people going that’s a great idea. :man_facepalming:t4:


Nerf priest penance!! Nerf it like you did to hunters. Nerf druids as well! Warriors already topping dps, nerf them too, they scale better than any class and already top. Nerf druids star surge, OP - 42 yd range and 4 mana… massive damage. They need 50% nerf. Nerf bat!!

More like “Are you Shadow?” Gets rejected, Healers are already complaining about mana as it is, why would any sane person bring a Shadow Priest to strain healer mana even more.

Most useless PvE buff.