your pet does 50dps, and you can’t even do 80 dps… you dont even have a true rotation this level… its sad how bad you gotta be. Ranged hit chance is also much higher than melee or spell…
you’re just bad…
your pet does 50dps, and you can’t even do 80 dps… you dont even have a true rotation this level… its sad how bad you gotta be. Ranged hit chance is also much higher than melee or spell…
you’re just bad…
Says the guy who can’t read talents on logs lul.
Stay in the bin.
Lol it was pretty special.
if you read logs to gauge your performance you’re sheep
must suck living a life always following someone else’s meta, never learning how to min/max on your own.
nah you got that pretty warm for yourself already follower.
which is your favorite Stream Asmon or Esfand?
“N-no, you can’t use data to prove me wrong! My feelings are whats right.” LMAO you really tried this?
Good luck on getting 5/7 this week brother
Who are they? Friends of yours?
thats data using the top 100 players with the top gear and taking the top parses… when things like crit chance mean you might get literally all crits in one fight, or no crits in a fight only by chance do you make a parse that is recorded as top for the averages.
Don’t worry I have children, I have to explain things to people all the time… don’t take it harshly… you’re just learning.
“N-no… th-that doesn’t count because the players have their monitors turned on and functioning hands!” Lmao you really tried that again, huh?
Oh god… you managed to breed?
are you going to actually bring a legit argument?
Because it looks like you just got wrecked and don’t have a back up retort…
poor loser
you’re probably used to losing though by now
yeah… you probably can’t breed…
I have logs. And you have pissing your pants over logs… lol
Ty for the easy W. I can teach you how to be better at this, if you want?
you brought up logs not me… god you’re smart huh
already had a mental lapse over the last 20 mins
“Y-you brought up evidence! Not me!”
Does this usually work with your kids or something? No way you lose arguments to your children.
That’s just depressing.
are you guys hard of hearing?
The main issue with spriest is us going oom. This issue is NOT fixed by talents currently. This issue will also not be fixed at 60 endgame or by paladin/shaman mana batteries (you will never have priest in group wit ha ret/enhance)
You need to adjust talents or runes to provide resource sustain in order to “save” shadow priest raid dps, not buff the dps of… Shadow word death… A spell that is easily outdamaged by penance (which doesnt do damage to yourself)
if you can;t stay on topic you lost, facts is facts… parses that you brought up are irrelevant to actual class balance because they are statistical anomaly and base dof the top parses with a lot of factors involved and should never be used for balance…
have a great day with being a sore loser
glad you can’t breed.
Why not fix ashenvale instead.
Can I have your stuff?
You’re very upset about losing, huh?
Evidence beats your opinions, unfortunately. Logs>no logs. No matter how much this makes you cry.
Double check those kids are really yours, your wife was calling me again last night.
You’re carrying on as if log data is never accurate, and also acting like they’re the only source of data that can be used to collect information. If you’re relying only on the ‘top 100’, then you’re not even scraping a fraction of the data available to you. Still, please continue. The popcorn’s already flowing.
Bro its classic not retail; its not meant to be balanced across the board; classes excel at different things. AND how do you expect them to balance every level bracket perfectly when those changes will NO DOUBT screw up tuning at the next level cap.
git gud and have a gud time
Thats the solo quer, the people who come together to form groups. Ya know like on a mmorpg. Will get punished for socilaizing and playing with people