Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

You really need Hunter reading lessons.

I don’t care if Rogue is good or bad in p2. That isn’t the end of sod.

If Rogue ends up bad in p3, Blizzard will adjust numbers as necessary.

If Hunter ends up bad in p3, Blizzard will also make adjustments.

The issue wasn’t Hunters having a big number, it was from what source the number was coming from.

Hope you get some assistance understanding English.









Ouch. Still cannot even get your own numbers right. Unlucky. Try again?

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Balance is ridiculous. Hunter’s pet still hitting every 3 sec 150-200.

Yes, please! For me this is the most annoying aspect of Era/SoD. The stupid dead zone.

Hey Blizz, can you take one of Hunter’s useless runes and turn it into Point Blank Shot/Remove Dead-zone?

and the issue isn’t where the damage is coming from.

It’s that hunters have nothing to press and every other spec got cool shinies.

“but omg your top dps”…

That’s not the point.

Lower our dps IDC, give us new cool things.

Hope you understand the main issue at hand with the class.

Thank you clown.

And rogues shouldn’t be able to tank.

This is a thread about adjustment to Kill Command. They didn’t remove it. Are you lost? Really embarrassing for a grown man to need to be guided through basic discussions by someone they perceive as a kid.

If you have issues with Hunter Runes being primaily passive, make a thread about that.


They only made it useable to 2/13 pets in the game…

amazing point.

Circus behavior.

Only 2 pets know Bite or Claw? Wow!

Try linking a real chart you math noob.

Hunters first.

Cry more.

cats and boars.

The way they nerfed it is may as well been removed.

It only works for 2/13 pet abilities.

But I thought you didn’t care about numbers. Now you do? I can’t keep up we must have moved goalposts 600 yards by now.

it has nothing to do with dps numbers?..

We get no pet variety because of it?..

Are you okay?

You really tried this on me LOL

You understand that this is sorted by parse amount and averages, right? You also changed it deliberately to “Over 2 Weeks” to include the pre Scorpid and Wind Serpent nerfs.

Good one. Since you don’t know how to analyze statistics, allow me to break it down for you:

This is an aggregated list of averages, the big solid line refers to the median, meaning people who score anywhere from 49-72. This is how it’s primarily sorted. If you look on the right hand side, the little dot refers to the 99th percentile, or the top 1% of players parsing on the class and where that range lies comparatively to the rest.

So even by your own list, using your own false information, you still somehow are wrong. Very impressive.

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Hunter rune ideas

Kill command changed to work like tbc kill command

Chimera shot weapon damage changed to 100% weapon damage and also passivly gives serpent sting 20% rap scaling over its duration. (10 second CD)

Explosive shot now causes traps to be useable in combat

Serpent spread now removes the target limit on multi shot, instead hitting all targets in 8 yards of the target. But reduces the weapon damage to 75%

Wow, i just made half of the runes more gameplay impactful and fun.

Chimera shot and serpent spread becoming a good combo. Because it allows 20% AP scaling on serpent sting and it can be spread to a massive number of targets.

I will accept a job offer as sod lead hunter class design. Remote work only. Lol.


Design is how you do numbers and how large those numbers are. Take sinister strike and eviscerate for example: design is both the building of combo points and spending of combo points as well as how hard those abilities hit in relation to another. Eviscerate, by design, should always be a larger number than sinister strike because it is a finisher. That is design.

Eviscerate is static damage so will not always deal more damage than Sinister

Eviscerate is increased by attack power, how is that static?

Only thing this list showes is warrior and rogue have better 1% people then hunters.

oh no the 1% of Warriors and rogues with best setup and gear are beating hunters !!!