Why do you disagree with the transmog system when it’s optional? Why impose your own personal restrictions on others? If earn Tirisfal gear and want to wear it into battle without being a wimp, then I should have that right. What you’re saying about Transmogrification is both illogical, selfish. I don’t know if that’s intentional, or just not thinking. Why?
I don’t like the idea of things being added that were not apart of the original game. It’s fine to make adjustments, but I don’t agree with straight up adding features.
Why though? The game is better with Transmog. It adds replay value, customization, self expression, ect. Regardless of whether it was there or not, who cares, it’s a vast improvement for those who don’t like wearing ugly gear just because it’s powerful. If anything, heirlooms were a game breaking disaster. Just because it was there, doesn’t make it good. They shouldn’t be in Wrath Classic at all.
Regardless if you agree with me or not, I’m against changes to the game that were not originally present. That is all.
Yet you can’t even elaborate on why. That is an obsessive compulsive trait. A fanatical, unexplained reaction to change. You have no valid reason or justification for your perspective, therefor it is not valid. If anything, it’s rather selfish. If you don’t like transmog, then don’t use it.
But the zoomers and retail babies are the ones crying for RDF and +50% exp buffs and cross-realm zones
Transmogrification in Retail is completely different to Classic, and technically the younger players are on Retail, not the older more experienced ones.
PS: How do you get your Classic character icon to show?? I don’t even have that option.
Even if I elaborate it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change how you feel about transmog or how I feel about it. I am keeping things relevant and fact of the matter is, explaining why I don’t like it has been explained you just want a further explanation which I don’t have. I am against adding things to the game that were not their in OG. Point blank period. I want to play Wrath the way I remember it. Not Wrath with a bunch of additional stuff. Transmog comes with Cata, and I’m cool with waiting. There is nothing else to say about it. Accept that as your answer or don’t.
That’s fine, you can disagree with me. That’s the nice thing about opinions, everyone is entitled to their own.
Except you have no basis for yours. It’s merely a disagreement for the sake of disagreeing, as opposed to something that benefits players and the game at large. Simply saying you disagree doesn’t help anyone. Selfish and counterproductive.
Who said it helps anyone? I’m speaking for myself. lol if I don’t agree with the addition who cares? I’m one person.
If it doesn’t, then it’s counterproductive on the forums. Unless you have a justification for your perspective, then don’t waste anyone’s time with it.
You openly stated your opinion about transmog in a public space, without being asked for it. I replied with my own opinion, regardless if you agree with me or not. This is my personal opinion. I have already shared my reasonings, like it or not. I liked OG, I don’t want all the changes. Regardless if I agree with it being added or not, I’m one person and my opinion doesn’t mean a single thing, same as yours. Blizzard will do whatever it chooses to do.
I don’t see how it’s counterproductive at all considering you chose to express your unsolicited opinion, and I expressed mine. Plain and simple.
You missed the entire point of what I just said… It’s not a matter of not being asked, it’s a matter of can you argue your point? I had logical and beneficial reasons for Blizzard to enact an early release of Transmogrification, whereas you’re just reacting out of some fanatical fear of change. “I don’t like it because…” is not a viable answer. You’re just spamming now, and the only reason I’m humoring this is to keep bumping the topic.
I have argued my point. I disagree with adding features to the game that were not there originally. It’s really that simple. Not much else to say. I’m not trying to argue about it because fact is, doesn’t matter what either one of us think; Blizzard is gonna do what it wants to do. Not liking something is a perfectly acceptable answer. I don’t care about all the positives it adds because I’d rather keep the game closer to the original, but that’s jut me. I respect others feel differently, and if transmog ever is added early, good for those that welcome the change.
Just because isn’t a viable argument
And actually it DOES matter what we think, because I’m the guy who came up with the idea of Transmogrification in the early days of WoW. It took years of persistence, and many threads, but it happened. If you can’t argue your point, then it has no value to the game.
When I was 5, and I told my parents I don’t like seafood, they didn’t interrogate me why I didn’t like it. Saying I didn’t like the taste was enough, and it wasn’t what I wanted. They didn’t ask me to explain what was wrong with the taste or why I didn’t like the taste. I feel like you want someone who’s willing to have a very in-depth discussion with you. You’re looking for someone who’s willing to provide counter points and show you there’s negatives to adding it. There isn’t. I still don’t want it because it goes against what I do want; a version of wrath closer to the original. There’s nothing else to it.
What more do you want from someone? You want to like dissect why they don’t like something. I want to play OG WRATH. Adding features brings it further and further away from the Wrath I want to play. Ergo I don’t want more changes. At this point I’m convinced your trolling so, enjoy whatever you got out of the interaction. Enjoy your evening.
It’s not about you, it’s about what’s beneficial to the game. Yes I want in depth discussion because that’s the entire purpose of the forums. Your responses are bordering on spam at this point. The entire reason these threads exist is to have conversations about how to improve the game, and why we feel it works. To share ideas and solutions, not “just because”…
My notion has logical merit, yours is just “I don’t like it because…” which is counterproductive and unhelpful. A total waste of space, but at least you’re bumping my thread.
Well funny thing is, my original comment wasn’t about what is beneficial to the game, it was about what I as a player want from the game.