Adding to M+ depletion

Hello I thank you for all the recent M+ changes we’ve had through out beta so far but I would like to add a minor idea or even solution to key depletes.

We’ve all had cases where a key has been depleted from people DC’ing or AFK’ing (lol) and that alone feels bad because your efforts of pushing your key are thrown away in an instant.

An idea to this is to add a Cracking Keystone & Shattered Keystone. Names of these are whatever but I’ll explain what this means. When you fail a +5 Keystone it’ll turn into a +5 Cracking Keystone of that same dungeon. Same idea goes towards this Keystone with a Shattered Keystone.

This gives the player the 3 strikes and your out concept. So there is room for learning keys for the higher end of players and for lower end players to learn the mechanics to go again with their key at that same level.

I’d prefer to remove depletion in a whole but I currently don’t see any down sides of having a system like this in place.

Please leave feedback to why this could be good or bad for M+.


I think this is unnecessary, as there already is a better solution to this problem.

another solution is to run keys provided through the group finder and/or join an m+ community to find like minded players.

I still think the best way was what was done for horrific visions.

Everyone has to provide a key fragment. If someone bails, dcs, or we collectively fail to complete the timer, then we all collectively lose or deplete our fragment.

Not sure how that would work with the variability of keys (i.e. dungeon) and/or key level.

The gist of it is that everyone has some skin in the game. Folks are still free to leave, but the “punishment” wouldn’t be solely on 1 person (the one who provided the key currently).


I think you should just get a 1 time forgiveness on a key to alleviate issues.

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The abandonment of M+ is never without reason. This makes it impossible to penalize someone or leave it on their record that they abandoned 10 keys.
It may happen that someone is a “serial abandoner” but it is not common.
Disconnections are sometimes caused by Blizzard and the player has nothing to do with it. Other times the player decides to leave because he notices that the M+ is going to take twice as long as expected.
In other cases the key owner brought a carry.
Abandoning a key “doomed to success” is not common.
I don’t like abandoning keys and I don’t do it, but you can’t deny that there are usually reasons.
In any case, title the search “timed or untimed” and everyone will know what to do.

I’d personally love something like this, but I’ve accepted that players hates shared accountability.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve depleted a key ON PURPOSE so I could run it with folks that aren’t quite ready for that level keystone.

This would make that annoying.

It would be, if there wasn’t a way to power down your key by talking to an NPC.
But I think as of DF, they’ve added a bronze timekeeper NPC (the panda who pops up at the end of dungeons) into the main city of the expansion who can power down keys, for free. Right now, she’s standing in between the Seat of the Aspects and the vault, on live.

Although, my group does sometimes get about 3 pulls into a key and decide that maybe we should drop it a level, and this system would require our key holder to go visit that NPC in Dornogol and get summoned back.
@OP perhaps having a function where you can intentionally crack your keystones in quick succession with a warning box might be warranted in this hypothetical system? Kinda just huck it at the ground?


That requires you to go in and finish a dungeon though.

If we start with my key, we can’t do that.

Talking to the NPC?
She’s literally standing in Valdrakken (and already in Dornogol), wdym, you can ask her for a key if you skipped content that week and didn’t get a keystone from your vault, or ask her to lower it all the way to a 2 if you wanted
You thinking of getting your key changed?
Am I missing something here

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You mentioned end of dungeon so I figured that’s where she was.

It doesn’t require it. I almost never use my key because they invite me -healer-. I usually lower my key with the panda woman on Mondays for the guildies who don’t have a vault and can make keys, but lower.


You can talk to the little panda lady and tell her your keystone level is too high (in valdrakan in front of the bank) No need to be running in and resetting.