So i was trying to add a socket it to my [Most Regal Signet of Sire Denathrius] and when I attempted to i got the “This item cannot be modified” is this a Bug oorrr working as intended? ```
Were you using a Socket from Season 3 out of curiosity.
Is the ring from Season 4?
Did you get it out of the Vault? Put in a ticket.
its Fated heroic 298, and it’s a S4 Socket thingy… XD
Yea think the socket things only work on stuff from M+ I saw a belt today that was faited and it wasn’t selectable to add socket. So idk if that is intended or a bug, but for sure not what I was expecting.
Looks like some fated stuff works, I was able to socket my Soulwarped Seal of Wrynn but not the Most Regal Signet of Sire Denathrius, both at Heroic Fated. It’s gotta be a bug, or maybe it has something to do with the Sire ring not being available from the Dinar vendors? Maybe it’s an oversight and only the Dinar vendor items are “Season 4”?
Oh, then that’s definitely a bug. I hope that it gets fixed.
pretty sure its just a bug, thanks for replying tho all! going to submit a bug report in game
They hotfixed it, or so they say. Might want to wait an hour, or restart your game and see if the socket can be applied.
Yea think the socket things only work on stuff from M+ I saw a belt today that was faited and it wasn’t selectable to add socket. So idk if that is intended or a bug, but for sure not what I was expecting.
it isnt totally true, got a neck from upper kara, leveled it to 298 with valor, try to add a socket and got the same message, put a ticket and they said they will look into it, still cant socket necklace
Yea that does sound like a bug as neck is season 4. Keep us posted what the outcome is.