Adding New Raid Content to Classic

I don’t think spec viability requires any real balancing. It could be something as simple as just adding enough mana regen gear to make Elemental or Balance specs useful in raids.

Please don’t derail this thread into 60-70-80 servers; those have been discussed ad nauseum. This thread is a pitch to add another raid tier at level 60 with brand new content.

I’d hope it would be TBC.

It’s not like they’re gonna run another MMO.

A fire and forget mechanism.

Anything after WOTLK would be a debate tho.

Spec viability/competitiveness has also been discussed ad nauseum, and while a lot of people think “it wouldn’t be that hard” the reality is that it would be a lot harder than they realize due to the fact that changes affect every part of the game.

Improving Elemental’s mana regen for example opens up more mana for them to use in PvP on healing.

To be honest I think duel spec would be much more useful than a rebalance. There is no issue with balance beyond the fact that many classes need a different build for raid vs pvp. Being dual spec or the respec fee being capped low either would solve this issue. I see no need for anything beyond being able to change from raid to pvp without a weeks farming penalty in gold.

The problem is that everyone who used to play and quit, or who plays now, but misses the old WoW has an era that they wish it would return to and nobody wants the game to go back to where it was when they loved it and stay that way forever, they want it to go back to where they loved it and have it not make the changes that ruined it for them. The problem is, the era they miss, the change that ruined the game, all of that, is different for every person. Unfortunately, that’s just a fantasy. The most we can hope for is that Classic servers will spawn progression servers, then we can serially replay the game until the point where it stops being good for us. Maybe, just maybe, a unified player base could get Blizzard to release new content, a deviant timeline kind of thing, but it would require A> Classic to be hugely popular B> Classic to cause a massive spike in subscribers and C> The classic player base to agree on where Blizzard went wrong. A> is likely, B> is possible, C> is never going to happen.


Even when Blizzard comes out and says they’re not adding content, they’re not rebalancing classes…these threads continue to be made.

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Blizzard also said they wouldn’t make vanilla servers, but here we are. A lot can change in two years. I’m thinking about what happens when we finally finish the endgame of Classic a long time from now. Could there be a new direction?

Yeah doing the same thing with TBC?

Most likely some form of seasons, if you’re familiar with the Diablo concept. They’ll likely start a set of optional new servers with no progression, for those that want a fresh start.

Seasons were the downfall of diablo most don’t want to relevel every time they get some actual gear. It’s like saying we are making a DnD group and every time someone hits level 7 we start over at level 1. And on classic where leveling is a pain noone except a tiny handful is going to want to relevel their main every 90 days. That would kill the servers fast.

yeah. because claiming you wont make someone a hamburger but yet change your mind, is the same thing as turning it into a double whopper with triple cheese.


I would suggest switching from no to yes is bigger change than switching form yes to yes a nice double with cheese.

the concept of asking and getting, and getting everything under the sun cause reasons seems to escape people like you.

if you dont know the difference between a hamburger and a whopper with cheese, then the point went over your head.

Do you go to a WWI museum to see Gulf War curiosities?

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I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but it’s better than adding content. It wouldn’t be every 90 days, it would more like every two years. It’s similar to what EQ does with their legacy servers, except they have a voting system and roll through the expansions.

Fresh starts are also massively popular with the PS crowd, though I realize the Classic meta may be much different than the PS meta. Again, I’m not a fan of any of this, but I’m strictly against the idea of adding additional vanilla themed content. And I think they’re more likely to do something like some sort of a “fresh start” system as opposed to adding content to Classic. If they’re going to do anything that is.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they started adding Vanilla style content slower after a while. People who are at the top of the raiding will probably want something more to work towards, or they could work on finishing stuff they just never really got to finish properly like Silithus.

I’m often trolling around here just because it’s fun - but this is one area where I can see Blizzard actually doing this and I can see people wanting reasonably. Vanilla was never supposed to be a stagnant game. It was supposed to grow and evolve. It’s just that Blizzard took it in the wrong direction. There’s no reason that they could not improve upon the world in bits and pieces without changing the experience and feel of the game; but rather enhance the story and give players more to work towards.

There are unfinished projects from Vanilla which they already have to work with: the Azshara Crater battleground, the Emerald Dream zone, and a dozen others.

There’s a list on Reddit at : /r/classicwow/comments/8c0t4b/cutunfinished_content/

I mentioned the same thing in another thread. I think after the 4 content patches have been released (which I THINK will be every 6 months), factors such as popularity of Classic COULD warrant a discussion of adding more end game dungeons/raids.

However, I definitely don’t want it to be BC. Stick to 60, see how its going in 2 years.

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I could get behind more Classic content, as in finishing some of the unfinished projects that are already there, if there is enough interest and support in the game.

What I don’t want to see is Classic TBC and Classic WotLK. While I enjoyed these expansions, they were also the expansions where eSports started to be introduced, leveling became more streamlined, player “skill” became valued more than class, etc.

They were really the starting point of where retail is currently, and while I enjoy aspects of retail there are other aspects that I do not enjoy. And if Blizzard just re-releases the subsequent expansions then all we are doing is reliving the journey to the present. Which is stupid imo.

If there is enough interest in Classic after all the currently scheduled content has been released and played through, then any new content should be within the Classic model.

  • No arenas (and no resilience stat by extension)
  • No easy leveling
  • No flying
  • No massive HP pool increase
  • No eSports
  • No dailies and easy gold/rep earning

If it was introduced in TBC or later I don’t want it. I don’t want it because those changes ultimately take us to where we are now with retail. If new content is ever released in Classic it needs to adhere to the development principles of Classic. Otherwise we are just repeating history.