Adding more pay to convenience in wow, what you think?

so, there are paid level boosts in the shop, that is one pay to convenience in game.

buying wow token then convert to gold and buy stuff is also pay to convenience.

or spend a couple thousand gold to get a better chance in the weekly chest? (like a bonus roll)

what do you think if wow adds pay to boost a research timer?

or spend gold to unlock the next week’s questline ahead of the time?
(some people buy wow token then converting to gold to unlock the thing so it is not much different)



This isn’t a free to play mobile game.





Nope nope nope nope

I have zero problems with cosmetic stuff being available for money because as long as you can convert gold into credit it’s basically just another in-game shop as far as I’m concerned (and cheaper than some actual in-game shops, for that matter). Boosts I’m less okay with, but there’s there and some people like skipping stuff so whatever.

But no more.

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No. We pay a sub already. Conveniences like that should be added in game and for currencies or activities you can achieve by playing. WoW already makes doing most things more frustrating than a lot of other games. Let’s not turn it into a cash shop game while being forced to still pay a sub, please.

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I don’t like pay-to-win stuff, but if each store item was tied to along quest chain and a title for each mount, when you complete that long-chain you are awarded the mount for free and the title for the hard work.

Optional as well if you hate waiting and grinding a long quest chain and don’t want to wait you can just buy and not get title


Sounds good to me, you can already buy a wow token to pay for anything in the game.

PVP? Yep
PVE? Yep
M+? Yep
ERP? Yep
Battle Pets? Yep

Give it time, it’s coming

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COMING SOON you will seee



The instant they add stuff like this into the game is the instant this game becomes actual Pay-to-Win.

I wouldn’t get any use out of that, but I’d be fine if they brought back bonus rolls like they were before. Choice of currency to spend, a limited number of rolls you could buy per week or hold.

I’m not understanding why anyone would be opposed to the return of bonus rolls.

flagged ez

As long as they stay away from power no one will really care about what’s on the shop. Oh, they’ll care, as far as Q_Qing on the forums for a few hours but after that they won’t care anymore :laughing: