Adding Level Text to Nameplates?

Hey guys, I’m somewhat familiar with manipulating .lua files of existing AddOns to fit my specific needs. However I’m not too sure how to make one from scratch.

What I am hoping to do is (hopefully) simple. Two things:

  1. I want to add the level of a unit to the right-hand side of nameplates
  2. I want to add a horde/alliance symbol to the left-hand side of nameplates for players who are flagged for PvP. (I already know how to make images compatible with WoW, I don’t need help creating images, just adding them to nameplates)

Is there a simple solution? I do not wish to use other Nameplate addons, as I find the default suits my needs and I prefer the style, with the exception of the 2 items mentioned above.

To clarify, I already know the basics of getting a custom AddOn to appear in-game, such as creating the .toc file, adding any potential dependencies, ect, ect. I simply am looking for some lines of code to hook into nameplates. That is what I am struggling with.

Sorry in advance if this is not the correct sub-forum to post in.

Try posting in UI And Macro:

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I actually figured it out and once some more testing is done, will likely upload it to curseforge :slight_smile:
Thanks for directing me to the correct sub-forums in case I have future questions!