Add the world buff scroll to real vendor

As much as I enjoy paying BOTS for sum’s and mindlessly walking through DMN for trib buffs… can we add the scroll of overwhelming power to the real vendor?

I’d love for there to be more incentive to run dungeons and would gladly pay 10-20 reals for a set of WB’s.


Make it 200 reals and deal

you need world buffs once a week and they will last you 3 weeks generally… If you can’t be bother to collect them once every couple weeks you dont get to use them that simple. And if you’re dying and can’t clear without WBs that’s a you problem you need to fix. Even in your scenario they would need to cost around 200 reals as you can get up-to 77 reals a day. Or ya know just remove them from the game to stop people from complaining about collecting them

Nah, just dont use worldbuffs if u dont like getting em

Nope not happening, I want to pump in MC and see big numbers. Having an alternative means to getting them and giving an additional incentive to run dung’s would be cool.

heh maybe more people would do that if they hadnt found a good place that they can raid in and enjoy that requires world buffs.

cause we all know the places we actually like to be can be kinda rare.

In what insane reality would 7 world buffs cost 200 Reals? That’s like 600g worth of Fiery Core on my server. WB cost like 15G and 30 minutes time max.

world buffs are free… What you’d be paying for is the convenience. Who needs gold a this point??? I’ve got 20k and there’s absolutely nothing to spend it on.

That makes literally zero sense. Collecting World Buffs is the most convenient activity in the game, it takes at most 30-40 minutes once or twice a week to collect all 7.

How long do you think it takes to kill 200 dungeon bosses?

so spend the 30-min to collect them than… It’s not supposed to make it easier/cheaper to make it more convenient

I’ll spend it on your mom. Gotcha

people have been asking for wbs for reals since before p2 release. it makes perfect sense. Not sure why you are trying to shoot down this idea that most people want.

yeah im sure waiting around for rend soon with no one doing the questline due to alts being account attuned is going to be fantastic… lol think before you speak

Didn’t you hear? They’re funneling us all into two mega-servers at some point which should fix that. Though, Rend buff is less important at a point with gear power creep and ZG buff coming.

you think 10% melee haste is small? hmm i now understand who i am talking to

no they haven’t.

people have asked for some world buff vendor since p2, yes they have. it might not have specifically have been about real vendors but it has been talked about for a long time. open your eyes next time before you speak

I did. Your statement was false.

well guess what, no one cares about your opinion the majority of people want it so suck it :slight_smile:

What do you mean by this?