Add the Dragonflight UI to Cataclysm Classic

Cataclysm isn’t real “classic” anymore so I think replacing the old classic UI with the Dragonflight UI would be a good choice. A lot of people are using UI addons anyway.


The whole idea of the classic project is to reexpereince how the game was, how it felt. Models and UI are part of that. Its about nostalgica. Every individual can have a personal definition when classic stopped being classic. Blizzard itself calls its version of Cataclysm “classic” though, which would imply a version close to the original.


Pass on this one


I mean, I have used ElvUI since day1 of classic (Was actually using it in the beta as well so my profiles were already there on launch day). If you want dragonflight UI, it doesn’t bother me, cause I can still use ElvUI. That being said, I can create a layout using dragonflight UI that mirrors my setup with ElvUI, which would mean I would need one less addon, so I am for that as well.

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Want to know why I quit Dragonflight shortly after leveling to 70?

The damn UI. I hate it, It makes me want to vomit. The ascetics of it are pure butt. I legit cannot play DF without using an addon that reverts most of the UI to the old one.

I cannot come out any stronger against this idea. I hate it, I dislike you for even entertaining it.



i agree there should be an option to use the Dragonflight UI, but in the meantime you can use the addon to do that for you


Wait, didn’t you just say you quit DF?
Shortly after you say you play it with an addon that reverts the old UI.

Sounds like a troll post imo.

Not that I owe you an explanation

I don’t play it. I logged in a week ago (first time in a year) to install the classic UI and addon and decided I would wait until War Within to pick it back up again.

I was at least able to look at it without wanting to vomit.

The Dragonflight UI changes incorporate a lot of the most popular aspects that people have used for decades via addons.

I assume people who don’t like it aren’t used to having to make as many custom changes to get things the way they want, but that’s what most players were already doing via addons.

I finally gave up a bar addon in DF because I no longer needed one. I’ve used bar replacement addons in WoW for 20 years.

The talent profile system is also amazing in DF and if any one change from DF was brought to CataC, I would say it should be that. It makes experimenting with multiple builds or having several builds for different purposes much easier via the default UI and even lets you easily import builds from talent calculators on sites like WoWhead.

Cata talent trees the way they are lead you to wanting significant changes for not only PvP/PvE of the same spec, but sometimes even things like raid healing vs. single target focus. Simple dual spec is really lacking in comparison.

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A guildie of mine on classic is actually developing a DF style talent add-on, that can save loadouts and import them from wowhead and calculators! Obviously it’s going to come with a 2 spec caveat and respec costs, due to the limitations of the classic versions.


I feel like this is a waste of resources for a feature that not many would actually use. Why not just download ElvUI like everyone else?


Cry about it


that’s literally why blizzard developed the new UI that retail uses, was because everyone was already using ElvUI and other addons to change up the default UI

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The default UI in DF isn’t better than what most of us had in addons. Totally disagree with their approach.

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It could be something you toggle, plus other than customization, the UI isn’t all that different. The biggest difference in Cata and retail is how the classes work. The UI shouldn’t offend too many people.


I personally prefer the original layout greatly, but I would be fine with there being a toggle to allow the new display.

We already have it to an extent with the new Options screen.

The irony of people arguing against the modern UI when 90% of these people use addons that obliterate the native UI structure anyway.

Im ok with giving the option for it.


People just HAVE to be contrarians and rabid NO CHANGES lol

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