Add Swift Zulian Tiger to 6-month Sub

North American players should get this with the 6-month sub.

Please add it to the package.


:laughing: You guys are hilarious


Chinese players got a Swift Spectral Tiger with their 6-month sub.

That mount is worth $5000.

I know, there’s one up right now on ebay for $3000, with 28 bids and 9 days left link

I’m not really bothered by it though since they live in China :laughing:

Why are WoW Tokens over 600k gold in China?

Make our WoW Tokens 600k!

Did Tencent buy Blizzard?

Your life will be ok without it.

It’s pixels in a video game, and outdated ones at that.

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Microsoft will fix this.

That’s a long shot. The only way Microsoft will do something is “if” someone at Microsoft is a wow player and will be in charge or heavy influence on wow decision making.

The customers that blizz employees annoy today could be the same people that they will have to answer next year.

On Classic who the hell cares.

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lol. it’s worth is entirely dependent on the fool who is willing to fork over $$$ for it.


I mean, if they ever do that Blood Raptor I’d sub for a friggen year.


Please don’t threaten me.

I support this. That is the one mount I always wanted that I never got. Don’t care about exclusivity or rarity. I just like the mount and would use it all the time.

It may be the only mount that could get a 6 month sub from me. :slight_smile:

remember chinese advertising in trade chat?
in chinese servers trade chat its full of it

They have North American and European gold sellers spamming their chat all day. :joy:

“Oi! Ya want some gold, mate? Pop on over to pip-pip-cheerio-jollygoodgold dot EU for a spot o’ the glimmering good stuff!”

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