Add solo queue, you’ll lose less subs

Blizzard, every competitive game in the world has a ranked solo queue feature. Why don’t you implement one. You already have this option for normal/heroic dungeons and raids, and also arena skirms, so it shouldn’t be that difficult to implement. Just allow the players to choose the classes/specs they would like to queue with in 2s and 3s that are within similar Solo q CR. Also add in a solo queue for RBGs with 1 tank 3 healers and a variety of DPS…

This would be such a good change to the game and guess what, you could even do dailies and stuff while you’re in queue, rather than just researching the players that have requested to join. I bet you would lose less subscribers.

Right now the current system is so unforgiving for anyone new to arena, any alts with low item level gear, and even if you have the credentials and you tanked your rating to play with legitimate friends then you’ve lost a chance at playing with ppl at your skill level and the grind back up suckkkksss (cuz you know some ppl want to play fun content with friends even when they are different skill levels). The fact that most of my time spent on this game is just waiting in Queue and researching players is frustrating. I’d like to play fun content but some days it’s actually not possible. If this doesn’t happen very soon, you’ve lost yet another subscriber. I’ll go back to playing FREE TO PLAY GAMES such as DOTA 2 or League of Legends which allows me to keep playing content that is fun cuz they have this really cool feature which is called a solo queue.

The best part about the solo queue is that you are then forced to play with ppl of similar CR, instead of looking into their statistics, so you’ll actually see how they play and if your play styles match then you can just friend them and try to queue in legitimate 2s/3s another time. That to me is the biggest advantage of this, it’s no longer relying on ppls word that they are good. (For all you know they could’ve been carried to their CR) You have to see them in action and it’s a legitimate evaluation to find players that you match with.

It’s really sad that this game has a monthly cost and you still won’t listen to your player base about legitimately major issues with the game.

I want to play fun content. I don’t want to double check ppl on the armory to see if they’re lying about CR. And I’ll say it again, if there isn’t at least an announcement that a solo queue is being worked on in the next month or so you’ve lost yet another subscriber.

It’s sad, rated arena and RBGs is one of my favorite things to do in my free time, so I don’t want to unsubscribe but when I get home from work and want to play for an hour, I legitimately cannot since it takes 30 mins to find a solid group and then after 2 losses in a row it’s gone and you’re searching again.

Please fix this blizzard, from a player that truly doesn’t want to leave this game, but feels the need to because I’m spending too much time doing nothing on it, instead of the real content I subscribed for… you’ve done so much good this expac with the vendors, and weekly class tuning, please keep it up and give the players what they want.


I lost hope already, my sub expires in 8 days. Will be back once some announcement is made about soloq. Hope to see you in soloq arena some day my brother :slight_smile:


You defeat the entire premise of soloqueue when you specify what classes u want to be grouped with… All that will do is make it impossible for certain specs to play since nobody is going to check their box off as something to pair with. It also makes it unfair for non meta classes when they only face comps that synergize well. Soloqueue has to be completely random comps for it to even work.

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That’s the whole reason that they are supposed to be making class adjustments constantly, precisely so that there is a balanced meta and each class feels playable. With that said a ret likely won’t choose a warlock as the 2nd dps in 3s but a shadow priest would. I know this is just one example but my point is that each class has a few classes that they can choose from.

If you’re very picky and only want to queue with one other class, then go ahead, but your queue time will be inevitably longer. Even tho that queue time will take longer it’ll probably still be faster than the current system, and less work for you too.

Keep in mind that this game is $15 per month for every subscription. That’s a boat load of money, they do not lack the resources to balance on a weekly basis and make systems like this to tweak over time. They could make incentives to queue as a healer or to select classes that have higher queue times, such as a 15% increase to rating during wins with those less chosen classes. This is definitely something that they’ll need to keep adjusting until they have it done right, but let’s at least start this process.

Games like DOTA update sometimes on an hourly basis. I could play 1 match and have to update my client cuz they tuned something. And DOTA is entirely free to play, so if they can do that, wow should have an obligation to do so as well.

I’m sick of the narratives on these forums being that things are too hard or won’t happen. Other games have evolved that make less money than wow, and if they don’t continue evolving than this cash cow that they have had going for over a decade WILL die out since other games allow you to constantly play your favorite content.

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this game is effectivly a waiting room simulator