Add ons won't load

In fact there is not even a panel or button in the lower left to show that they are there…

Are you installing the addons to the right game client?

Example, classic addons would go to \World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns

If you’re using an addon manager, make sure you’re installing the addons to the correct client too.

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In this case, my pathway says C: Drive/Program Files (X86)/World of Warcraft/-retail-/Interface/Addons/DBM. What I am going to try is same path only taking the all DBM files and libraries out of the DBM folder and putting them just sitting in the Addons folder…

Don’t. Otherwise the addon won’t load. Which client are you trying to install the addons for? Retail version of WoW or Classic version of WoW? Because as I said, you’ll need to install it in the correct path.

Retail version of the game, addons would go into \World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
Retail version of the game is The War Within Expansion.

Classic version of the game, addons go into \World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns
The classic version would be for Cataclysm Classic, Season of Discovery, Classic Era and Hardcore.


Not sure if you copied that or typed it - but it’s underscores, not hyphens.

I think he put it like that due to it would “italic” the retail part with the underscores.

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For DBM, your
C: Drive/Program Files (X86)/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/Addons/
folder would have several folders under it all starting with DBM- eg.

 C: Drive/Program Files (X86)/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/Addons/DBM-Core
 C: Drive/Program Files (X86)/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/Addons/DBM-KhazAlgar
 C: Drive/Program Files (X86)/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/Addons/DBM-Raids-WarWithin

Are you installing them manually or using a manager like WoWUp or the CurseForge app? Definitely recommend switching to the CF version of WoWUp if you’re not using an addon manager.

Yeah, it was just my hurried typing…

Just to note on this, the Addons button was moved into the Menu, available at the top of the screen or by pressing escape.

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