Add New Specs for all

I think Mike Ybarra tweeted some time ago that roadmaps we’re desired on every franchise, in response to a nice OW2 roadmap.

I really feel this is a crucial strategic move, so players understand where the game will flow over time, I also feel that something which would breathe continual life back into Azeroth is adding new specs for every class.

By no means, do we need “all the specs at once” like we get a dump of (haha, 2) 3 specs with each new class. But instead, place something on the roadmap of every 18 months, we want to roll out a new spec for an existing class until every core class has four specs (core being from vanilla).

Examples could be:

  • Death Priest (summoner DPS)
  • Golem Mage (summoner tank)
  • Blood Warlock (sacrificial healer)
  • Muse Rogue (support healer)
  • Earthen Shaman (magical tank)
  • Gladiator Warrior (defensive DPS)

What other good examples are there? I can’t even imagine what would fit for hunter and paladin (even though, I would hope they would be a tank role for hunter and a second healing role for paladin, splitting Holy into a ranged healer and a melee healer).

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Instead of Death Priest, a Holy DPS so people stop with stupid suggestions about Disc.

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I watched the Dr Strange movie this morning and just got mad that WoW doesn’t have a cloth Necromancer fantasy. Given the Shadow Void/Death relationship, it seemed to help point at the differences of Void and Death.


Old Survival.


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Healer or a DPS hybrid?

I mean I know Shockadin is a healer of the past, just curious what your take would be on it now.

Defensive dps? How would that even work?

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Caster DPS.

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I’ve seen a lot…. And I mean a lot of really silly suggestions on this forum, but a rogue healer really takes the cake! Well done man. You win the prize for most absurd suggestion I’ve ever seen here at WoW forums.


If shaman gets an earth spec, i kinda want it to be dps. If i can’t impale my enemies on earthen spikes whats even the point?

But then we’d never see threads like that one disc priest a while ago!

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It makes me super salty though, bad for my blood pressure! :stuck_out_tongue:

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That could be a great tank spell

Yeah it’s a crazy concept… But I can’t pretend it was my idea.

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I thought about that, also a melee BM spec. I wondered if there was a way to wiggle a tank spec into the class but I’m not convinced.

A fantasy I was working on had a tanking subclass for a Ranger class called “Trapper” and it uses utility to tank moreso than pure mitigation.

One of my favorite specs in WOD. Makes no sense why they got rid of it.

Side note, I wish they would bring back Claws of Shirvallah for Feral Druid too.

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Feral has been a failure. Merge feral and guardian.

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They got rid of it because it was insanely powerful in pvp and pretty much pushed the other warrior specs out of any content due to the fact that a tank / dps is better than a dps.

I agree. We should get rid of rogues and mages too. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ret paladin???

People really keep suggesting ideas we already have in-game.

No, a caster.