Add more graveyards

Zone into Mara, do my stuff, log out, log back in, walk out, reset, die to opposite faction, waste 6-7 minutes running back, zone into Mara.
I’m all for world pvp but dying in outnumbered fights should not be as punishing as it is right now. We need at least 1 more graveyard in pretty much every zone.
Dying in western un’goro puts you running from the Tanaris entrance to the zone.
Dying in western Winterspring by Timbermaw Hold is a 7-8 minute walk from Everlook.
WPL graveyard is also at the bottom of the zone.
Not saying instant runbacks like current retail wow but losing 5-10 minutes every single time you die has got to be the most miserable experience in vanilla.


I agree with you 100% people are just gonna say get good and go back to retail this is classic. Which this isnt classic era so they should change it. It isnt fun and you literally wont gain or lose anything from them adding it.

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Night elves need to feel unique

I roll NE for wisp. So sweet

Can Blizzard please finally do the right thing and include a catheter in my subscription?

I can’t believe the game doesn’t pee for me in current year.

I don’t even think its a “get good” thing. Most of the open world farms this phase have some of the worst runbacks and makes farming outside of dungeons so inefficient.
Again I’m not complaining about world pvp on a pvp server, well aware that is always going to happen. Just think it should be less punishing if you die in some of these zones.

Good news!

You can now transfer to a PvE server.

Missing the entire purpose of the post but thanks! Useless


People don’t generally sign their posts anymore.

I used to complain about this last phase, but the 12 year olds just say “heh dont die bro heheee tee hee”.

Tee hee.


Counter point; i like the idea of getting 5 mins of free farm when i win after fighting someone else that wants my farm. if im being honest i do try and switch layers though.

they legit have added more graveyards in SOD they should add more

agreed 100% we do need more rez spots and they are capable of doing it too

just don’t die 4Head

Thats just in Ashenvale. And STV during BM, nothing new anywhere else

summon more ziggurats

Yea, it’s trash that they didn’t add more graveyards.

I guess adding things that’d actually make the entire experience better is frowned upon.

As someone who actually likes PVP and world PVP I honestly wish they make areas around dungeon entrances neutral territory like Shattrath city.

Ganking people the second they zone out of a portal with a raid groups worth of people while they are still in load screen is so stupid. There is a reason every single PVP server in the literal history of this game has become a wasteland for one faction.

Let’s ‘discover’ some anti psychotic player behavior methods.

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Not only graveyards. Flight points too.

What mindless people don’t understand is:

More graveyards = more wpvp.

But they are not able to understand this and still Say go to a pve server.