Add More Grateful Offerings

Please add more ways to get grateful offerings. Why not add some to the treasures in Zereth Mortis? Or even the weekly quests. Its not fun playing old content for all the stuff locked behind grateful offerings, especially on alts. If we can’t just remove them from the game I feel like we should have more sources for them…like what was done for anima!


Fixed that for you


I feel like we can, and I say that as somebody with an obnoxious amount of them

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Where do we even get Grateful Offerings?

It took me a second to remember what Grateful Offerings even were.

Shadowlands went way, way too overboard with all the currencies.


While they were stupid and pointless to begin with and I wouldn’t care at all if Blizzard removed them entirely, they aren’t much of a bottleneck anymore now that you can get a ton just from doing Callings.


I wouldn’t have an issue with that honestly but your alts need the max anima conductor to get a good amount of offerings from the callings. And that means grinding souls in the maw and that’s incredibly boring.

Really? I’ve got hundreds of them even on my alts. Can’t get rid of the darn things.

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Grateful offerings come from daily quests in your Cov Hub.


You’re gonna have to rank up covenant features just to get access to most of the stuff you’d need the offerings for anyways.

What exactly is a grateful offering? is it like, banana bread? a bit of string?

This isn’t true. You can buy the general mog sets and weapons just from buying the jump to renown 40 off the vendor near the Oribos flight path. Which would be super awesome and alt friendly…if it wasn’t for grateful offerings being a thing.

It’d be a great change if we could just buy things with anima or let the cosmetic pieces be bind on account like the Zereth Mortis stuff so we can get the mogs on our main and send them to alts to unlock.

I’ve got plenty of anima to spend finally after all this time but I can’t buy out my vendor because I haven’t been doing daily callings to farm up offerings.

Why do we need two separate currencies to buy transmog items?


Better yet, just remove this currency all together.

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Well that’s just ungrateful of you.

I'm sorry. I had to. xD
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That’ll only work for one of the sets. The other two come from Covenant features that usually require ranking up at least some of the buildings.

Just get rid of the things.

I have 1,240 grateful offerings just sitting in my bags, even though I’ve bought a bunch of stuff with them.

Not sure how people don’t have a ton of them. Just do the SUPER FAST anima conductor stuff. Also, doing callings for your “home covenant” (i.e. Bastion callings while Kyrian, Revendreth callings while Venthyr, etc.) give a bunch of offerings in the reward bag.

Anima conductor dailies? Nah, takes too long.

Anima conductor treasures and world quests that take less than a minute to complete? Yes please!

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It really is an awful idea for a currency. We were already farming Anima, that should have been enough. I tend to do my Callings and two of the offering quests a day, so I’ve built up a fair stash, but I feel bad for anyone who comes to this expansion in the future with the intent to get all these items. This system feels horrible to those up us that can save up 10 or so a day over time, it’s gonna just be straight up awful once the expansion is done and you have to go slowly grind them up for stuff still.


Blizzard should do more of that. Their standard design philosophy is to reward people who quit, rather than reward people who keep playing.

Nice to see at least one thing in the game that actually encourages people to stick around.