Add mercenary mode!

Please blizzard we are suffering! None of us care about the “classic experience” when we are waiting hours to get into a BG vs a premade. :frowning:


Retail has short ques and a non-classic experience!


no, reroll ally you noob, we need more pvpers in queues to fill up the crybaby hordes queue bottle


why are you in a guild called Father Daughter Dance -.-


None of us care about horde sitting in slightly longer than normal queues either.


looking for some horde opinons here you guys dont get it

‘nO ZUg QueUE tOO LoNG’

There’s your horde opinion.

No merc mode. /thread


all mad ur faction sucks and needs more players

And you’re mad that your faction sucks and has too many players.

I can do this all day.


sorry but no to merc mode, Horde will catch up in gear and over take the Alliance soon enough, Alliance is struggling for pvpers and merc mode will just make it worse, more will leave Ally and join Horde if we take away their only perk.

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No, we do not want to play fat midgets, midgets with annoying voices, flipping elves, and boring humans. Zug zug

dude no the ally is getting gear faster, and they will stop queing and make the ques even worse


Feel free to play as rotbacks in your slightly longer than normal queues.

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Look, I’m horde and the moment you have to use “The best of the best” to achieve anything of merit you lose all credibility of being “awesome” or even “good”. You had to abuse a crutch to get where you are. So just stop with this “My faction is the best” BS. It’s best if you lack any real skill. An actual GOOD player would be able to take anything handed to him and do something with it. You? You had to jump on the Horde bandwagon in hopes of achieving something. So flaunting how you are better than the other guy doesn’t suggest you are good at all.

so what, we will catch up , we do not need to win every race every time, we have a way bigger pvp player base and will over take eventually.

bad take been actually spamming bgs for a week and have 4 pieces while ally doin that are fully geared

i am all in for faction xfers , but no to merc mode, merc is bailing out the 1 faction at the others expense, no damn way to merc.

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we actually wont catch up because we have more players. please think about it

But according to you their faction sucks and the Horde is the real deal. Shouldn’t you be in a position being the “better” faction that you could roflstomp them 1 v 5 in an arena setting? Or are you admitting that their faction is similar if not better than us?

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By the time I hit max level, a lot of horde will have more gear than me. Therefore I hereby propose a ZUG ZUG tax, causing all Horde to instantly lose all honor and rep when I reach max level. Or else they will stop queueing and make the queue not instant.