Haha I don’t mind having them just as alts.
I’m constantly changing their mogs anyway.
Give me the Scarab Lord title and mount and the Mage Tower stuff is all yours.
Yeah it’s fine for most people but it definitely does hurt player engagement to a degree. I am not alone in not wanting to roll a certain class because I can’t get the mog I want on it. They put way too much effort into these appearances to take them away forever.
Titles and mounts are very different than peerless weapon models. 99% of the weapons in this game look like absolute dumpster trash compared to mage tower appearances. It’s like they outsourced a completely different art team that is 1000x better than anyone who works at blizzard.
Yeah. It’s basically rewarding selfishness and that’s not cool.
I agree with people who supports bringing them back even if I unlocked some. That wouldn’t affect me in any way.
I don’t get why you don’t unlock them via doing the mage tower. Time based rewards for scarcity sake are dumb.
I find the first assertion completely arguable due to the subjectivity of the statement, and the latter is simply baseless and conspiratorial.
That’s okay, there’s no proof either way. It is how it feels and it’s not a good thing that their game design and fomo makes me feel this way about the blizzard art team. There is a huge disparity between the mage tower models and nearly every other weapon in game. There are cool appearances for sure, but the mage tower ones hit very differently.
Whatever is true, doesn’t matter because it makes me feel like the WoW art team is inept compared to whoever worked on the mage tower appearances. This is exasperated by the fact that they are unobtainable. You think I’d ever bash the WoW art team if they weren’t unobtainable? No. I would say “damn I am glad I can use this sick art”.
Ah, yes, the zero effort fallacy. Were that true an exponentially larger number of people would have them.
Original Mage Tower appearances aren’t a promo item or something else that was eventually removed. They were always time-limited, they were available for a year and a half, there were oceans of people trying until the very last moment to get them, they were removed as scheduled, and they’ve formally reiterated more than once - including recently - that they’re not coming back. Not for cash, not on the Trading Post, not anywhere for anything.
You don’t “need” them to break a word they’ve reiterated multiple times, or face the consequences of doing so. Just think if all of these threads from trolls and demanders alike were instead advocating for new rewards, for new Druid forms, for new custom weapon appearances. Any or all of that would actually benefit everyone, including original MT appearance holders.
And, critically, would actually have a chance of happening.
That’s a full-on you problem.
If they were going to make these available again, then I’m sure they would’ve done it when they reintroduced the Mage Tower itself.
Speak for yourself billy
But they can break it anyway because removing them was stupid.
Esp since they brought the MT back.
Them being reintroduced ain’t gonna hurt anyone. If anything it’ll make more peeps happy.
As a hunter i agree with you. I mean have you seen 90 percent of our bows? Disgusting. The only one i use now that looks good is Rae’shalare.
Yeah for me the only good one is thori’dal, but it wouldn’t fit with your mog
I dunno, I find Thori’dal overrated and underwhelming.
For a greenish mog I’m more partial to the bow out of Mogushan Vaults.
So you know full well that these teams are entirely the same?
For the record, I think Evokers should be able to use any obtained Legion artifact weapons for their weapon types. But your complaint is a little toothless when 80% of these appearances are still obtainable.
Theyve said they wont put it on the trading post?
Can you link that?
Because im not aware of them saying anything about it regarding the trading post.
I’d rather they be put back into the mage tower itself so I could earn them. The scaling tech might make the MT more difficult than it was when you could easily outgear it during Legion, but I doubt all that many people would mind if we got those appearances back as rewards. That’s all players have been asking for anyway.
How would I know that? I don’t care about the people who work on the game they are getting paid because of people like me.
I’m not a fanboy. I’m a gamer.
The way they set their game up, makes me feel that they outsourced a different art team as a one time thing, that is way better than their current art team. Art is subjective, and that is the subjective feeling I get when I look at mage tower appearances compared to 99% of the other WoW models.
It’s not a good service to their art team, regardless of what the facts are. Feelings are all that matter in this regard.
It’s not a fallacy if my heroic dungeon geared druid and marksman could do it, lol.
Get outta here.