Add LFR in Cata

Now that the ‘muh community’ and ‘social players’ have quit the game (so much social interaction in whispering someone tank inv), let’s have LFR added in. Maybe have it so it can’t give tier or trinkets so it isn’t mandatory.


what time in the expacs life did they add it?


So dead end of cata

LFR will be released with Dragon Soul if it come out at all. LFR is a brand new difficulty in Cata along with having its own gear and that would require going in and changing the previous raids up if it got added earlier, the same reason why they didn’t add heroic/hard modes in Naxx 10/25 for wrath.

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Even if they added LFR, you’ll probably won’t see it until Dragon Soul releases, since it was the only raid in Cata to have LFR.

I don’t think it’d be that hard to add an LFR for the first tiers. The gear is just the same gear at a lower item level and then you lower numbers or neuter the hardest mechanics.

Cata seems pretty rushed though so I don’t know that they have the resources to do much more than they’re already doing.

We do know they’re working on a 5 man dungeon system since it was already announced, but we have no information about what it will be. Could be just a gamma clone. Could be more. :man_shrugging:

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Like the LFD zealots you will have to wait until the proper time in the expansion’s life cycle for the release of LFR.



The only LFR you will see will be DS LFR… after that on mop sure every raid almost has it.

Do not lump LFR and RDF people together.

RDF people even hated LFR.

LFR was flat out a horrible idea and objectively changed the entire dynamic of end game for the worse.

It really did zero harm outside of the mental damage it did to certain kinds of people who care about casuals seeing the inside of the raid for no apparent reason.

The gear is mostly irrelevant to any serious raiders. You can skip it entirely. Some people did it for early set bonuses and felt it was needed for that reason, but that was briefly doing LFR at the start of a new tier and systems they’ve since added make that even less relevant.

Letting casuals see raids did no harm to anyone or the game.

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The damage it did was philosophical at Blizzard. LFR was the canary in the mine for the direction Wow was taking.

Its too late. Casuals just swipe for tokens to see the content and get carried anyways, the culture you’re trying to protect no longer exists and wont come back. You want strong guilds and tight communities but keeping or adding LFR wont bring them back and it cant destroy what isnt there anymore.

Mythic difficulties in modern WoW give even more potential for people to push themselves with organized groups than oldschool versions of WoW.

The limited participation in the highest difficulties just speaks to a lack of interest from players. Blizzard isn’t responsible for that. If they didn’t offer lower difficulties for a wider audience, the game would have just died out completely due to lack of interest in anything it was offering.

I feel like this is subjective. Although I hate LFR, LFR is the only way I’m able to raid on retail at the moment. Though as mentioned, I rather wait till DS to see LFR, and not add it for other raids when it never existed for other raids.

Some did, some didn’t. You should take your advice and not lump rdf and lfr people together

LFR was added in Cata…


they will add LFR.

In Dragonsoul.

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