Add back Arena Skirmishes ASAP, PLEASE!

The game desperately needs Skirmishes why are they gone.


I, too, would like arena skirmishes to be a thing in Cata Classic.

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I agree, bring em back

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never understood the point of skirms?

Lowest quality matches I’ve ever seen. Half the time, people don’t even join the queue, so you’re either getting 2v1’d or 2v3’d

Then you do get a full match and at least 1 of the people guaranteed are just simply afk or a literal deadweight potato. Just earlier I had a skirm on retail, 3v3, went on for about 5 mins and the frost mage did less damage than the resto druid.

People want that kind of gameplay?

My experience is the opposite. I normally run into real teams warming up or a high rated player bored because partner isnt on. Yeah, theres a lot of games only 1 joins because a guy used it to reset his cds, but personally 1v2 is fun and doable soooo?

They removed skirms but at least now we can wargame. 5v5 1v1 duels gauntlet in wargames are a lot of fun, but the ability to just que for whatever reason & by yourself is missed by the casual & experienced alike.

Also id like to note i never que 3s skirms, 2s was the only place im pulling anecdotes from.


meet new teammates
mess with addons
practiec a new comp, or just try out weird comps
have fun
practice moves like fake jumping off the bridge etc

Not a huge skirm enjoyer but i’ve queued quite a few. Around 25% of my friend list was met in skirms. Seems very mysterious why Blizz would remove it at all


They were removed for no other reason than Blizzard did so back in the day. They ended up bringing them back in WoD because Skirmishes bring obvious and important utility to the game, so it seems ridiculous to me that they just blindly went through with removing them in Cataclysm without consideration.


Show your support here if you care about skirms:


My experience has been opposite. I’d always have real matches, ofc some troll ones like double healer lol, but over half my skirms feel like both teams all 2k+. Even played with glads/r1 in skirms. Both casual and experienced people rocked skirms.

Mind you i was disc priest so a lot of my comps were at least viable, and I’ve had plenty legit games.

Good for warmups, practice little things, meet new people when youre both around same Cr, or just for fun when your real partners not on and burnt out from bgs.

Also my xp is from wotlk skirms, can’t say anything for retail skirms.

in classic them skyrms are serious business dog

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