Add a Solo Option in Classic End Game

When I started playing WoW all those many years ago, I thought I’d try out single player before going online. I was shocked to learn that the entire game is online b/c I didn’t know what an MMO really was at the time. But I was happy to know I could effectively play solo until level 60 and enjoy the game. At 60, I made some friends but raiding and PVP were ultimately just chores / work; having to rely on other people ruins the game, honestly. Can you make a solo version of end game content? Like in retail with the warlock green fire and the mage tower, deaths of chromie and the horrific visions, these are all great fun. But short of a few class quests, this is largely missing from Classic.


No, thanks. I like to play the game “as is”.

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TROLL. There’s a troll in the dungeon. Just thought you ought to know.


I think that’s actually a core part of the game’s design, though. End-game content, story-wise, are threats so big that we have to combine our efforts on a larger scale and rely on each other to even approach them. The purples and the glory are mostly a reward for building those partnerships and relying on each other, whether it’s an organized guild or even just a one-off PuG.

Eventually, in some timeline, we can each be the singular hero that stomps the gods, but at this point in Classic we’re still just adventurers making our way in the world.

Warts and all, friend.

Edit: not that I’m saying that I think the OP’s complaint is justified. Just that what he might perceive to be a wart is part of what makes Classic the game that it is and it won’t change.

People are still trying to compare this game to modern MMO design instead of putting it in hits historical context.

The fact there is ANY form of solo endgame at all is a massive step forward from what came before it. I strongly suggest people dabble around in Everquest Project 1999…as another museum-piece game it does a LOT to put this game in context.

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There was a [unnamed] private server which converted all the Vanilla raids into 5 man dungeons and was a lot more enjoyable than the 40 mans, that’s for sure. I just still can’t believe they didn’t do any updates or changes with Classic; hasn’t the no changes crowd moved on by now?

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They did this for you its called retail.



Once again…

Classic is an opportunity to play the original version of this game, you know, nostalgia. It’s not being developed, just rereleased. It has been adjusted to run on Retail hardware, that’s it.

So, if you don’t like it, sorry it’s not for you.

Retail has exactly what your asking for, in abundance. Endless grinding AP, daily emissaries, pet collection and battles, LRF and D, and many other ways to play solo. It’s part of the problems some believe Retail has, and it’s part of your classic sub. You already have access, go check it out.

Solo option for classic is called Retail. I go there from time to time when I want to play an mmo by myself.

There actually is a fair amount of solo end game content in vanilla wow, it’s just not in the game yet. A large portion of the silithus rep grind is done solo, with occasional groups to kill summoned bosses.